Chapter 132: White Jade

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[Meanwhile on Earth.. Phosphophyllite is announcing something to the rest of the gems. All are here except Red Aventurine – taking a close watch on the new gem by the Shore]

Everyone is seated in rows and columns as Phosy delivers.

"Everyone, there is a new gem formed on the Shore.."

As he said this the gems discussed amongst themselves with gasps

"It's a White Jade, Red Aventurine is currently keeping close watch of it in case it goes frail and fails forming.. The newborn still has lot to go through so please hope for the best that it forms into a health new gem!"
Phosy smiles slightly as the others smile widely and cheer.

In somehow, in someway.. Phosphophyllite is acting like his old self.. A cheerful and cheeky, cute Phosy.

The announcement was more of a joyful message – Phosy sees Phosphosiderite smiling along with the others and call of them.

"Alriiiiight~! Group hug everybody~" The gems were all shocked and all gasped.

Grandidierite was the first to run up to Phosy and so too the others followed along suit.

"Eeeee you're squishy Master!"

"Yeah you totally are! Thaank you teehee!" Grandidierite and Phos exclaimed.

None of them truly expected a change of heart from their Master – to them he's been a bit stiff and like a 'cold beauty' it isn't so usual for the gems but Phosy only giggled along and tried to sound like himself before he ever.. Started the war between gems..

"Ah! You're all my friends! So you guys deserve a hug >w<" He replies.

Smoky, a sneaky one decides to hug Phosy from behind and presses his head on his back silently.

In Smoky's mind he's more relieved to see this side of his master. He never thought they would get called friends but somehow it melts Smoky's heart.

"Yay~!" Phosy cheers as he begins to pat all of them.

[Meanwhile Red Aventurine is sitting by the mound of the white jade and with a book in hand he sifts through the pages whilst researching about gem birth information]

*Patta Patta* (Sounds that pages make when rapidly looked through)

"Hmm.. Ah there it is! An entry of the gem formation" Red Avent points to an entry and begins skimming through..

[Author Corner: Along those 200 years Phosphophyllite wrote this entire encyclopedia out of boredom and actually completed it! It's a homage to his original occupation of being 'Master Scholar']

"Hmm.. 'It is either an immediate formation or a gradual one – that may range from 30 days to 2 years.' Huh? That's a bit long? Must've means we've all been a rapid success"

"I see.. So White Jade may be complete in a few weeks, hopefully. I'm looking forward to a new gem! Ohh! Maybe I can influence him in my way haha yes.. Hmm." Avent smiles as he pats the mound.

*Shrivel Shrivel.*

"Oh sorry lil guy.." Avent immediately pulls his hand away and looks closely at the mound's movement – A slight wiggle seems to be coming from it.

Avent investigates further and gathers a few sticks around and upon his return he lays them down, forming a circular shape as an indication of white jade's mound.

"There. That should help." Avent happily remarks as he continues to read through the pages of the encyclopedia – with topics regarding the birth of a gem and how their eyes are furnished, lessons on how to polish and clean them and finally some important lectures to teach them as they reach the pont where they can talk and understand.

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