Chapter 128.5:

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"There will come the day where you don't have to cry anymore; I'll be there to silence your whimpers"

[We take a glimpse of how life is on the Moon..]

We see the other gems clapping to a concert lead by Dia and laughing happily – Alexi on the further side of the crowd with some other Lunarians offering him food.

"Come onnn Sir Alexi! Try some!" One Lunarian begs as Alexi ignores them completely, by his lap he has a Lunarian Dog by his lap. He sat there as if silently just waiting for someone despite the loud environment of Lunarians cheering Dia on . He closes his eyes and lets himself fall to the attempts of the Lunarians trying to offer him food.

"Ahh.." He opens his mouth but he hears a familiar voice in front of him.

"You're as beautiful as I remember you, Alexandrite."

In shock Alexi opened his eyes and say Chrysoberyl in smug and with spoon in hand he had some 'Moon Food'

"I've been waiting for you to come." Alexi replies likes it's a dream for him, everynight on the moon still feels like a fresh euphoria to him because he hasn't seen Chrysoberyl in so long now he vows not to lose him again..

(Chrysoberyl is only assumed to be revived on the Moon but it isn't sure cited by the Wiki)

Alexi giggles in a gentle manner and leans near to Chrysoberyl and enjoys Dia's performance along with him.

"I just never thought I'd see you again.. on the moon, I'm curious about Phosphophyllite, he's surpassed us all like you said. It's an enigma truly.." Chrysoberyl remarks, Alexi looks over to how he looks and stays silent, he felt slightly in contempt for the comment.

[I only made this chapter because I wanted to draw Chrysoberyl but gave up half way, sorry.]

We then see Cinnabar sitting at the highest point of the Moon Citadel]

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We then see Cinnabar sitting at the highest point of the Moon Citadel]

Swinging her legs it's as if she feels like she's been released from heavy shackles – Mercury no longer stays within her body and yet he feels so alone on the Moon.

Thinking about Phos made him resent what he had to do but also sympathetic..

She swung herself up and stood by the edge and looked down below.

'Phos..' She reminisces the times the old Phos would never stop trying no matter what.. She now feels slightly more remorseful for how much bad she treated him back on Earth.

She closes her eyes and breathes sharply as she sits back down with hands by her cheeks.

"You're so stupid.." These were the words that felt out of her mouth but she wanted to say the exact opposite.. after all that's happened he couldn't really bring to say anything much nice anymore.

She doesn't think that what Phosy did was right.. but still.. she in herself knows that Phosy was forgotten.

In a dreary manner she teared up and at the crescendo of her voice she yelled.


[After Dia's concert.. there was a buffet with the Prince and Princess – among the ones there.. Antarc was a part of the buffet, even after 200 years the concept of Moon Food was still foreign to him so he left earlier. He's by the atrium of the gem housing, on the sofa, alone.]

Antarc was alone with his thoughts.. he had recently visited Earth before Winter and had nearly struck Phosy down.

Even so it has been many years since he's come back to Earth, he doesn't hold so much anger and surprise anymore.. He only wanted to confront Phosy at that time but it didn't go accordingly to what he thought.. though deep down he value Phosy but he knows he's changed and he resents the new Phos and wants the old one back – still he's Phosy and that's all he needed to know.. it was the only stopping force. A force that held Antarc's attempt to fully shatter Phosy.

"You are awake all year around, Antarc, how's the feeling?" Adamant slowly made his way to Antarc and sat near him.

"I've gotten used to it Master." Antarc's reply felt incomplete.. and sadto some extent, Adamant went over and gave him a hug.

"I never got to ask about your visit on Earth a month ago, How was Phos?" He looked down to Antarc whilst patting him.

"There are new gems.. Phos has definitely forgotten a lot." Antarc answered in a sleepy manner and closed his eyes..

"I want to stay with him.. I want to understand.. Master." Antarc added in a rebellious tone but Adamant only stayed silent and patted him.

[There were restrictions during that time when Antarc went to Earth.. One of them was is that he couldn't really stay too long on Earth]

 One of them was is that he couldn't really stay too long on Earth]

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