Chapter 1

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Meanwhile during the previous events from Goal! The Next Chapter! Chapter 46...

Maire was in the living room, along with Aurora, Diego, and Gael.

"Okay, so, it was me that was on thin ice, so what?" said Maire, as she tells her parents. "I had to do something, I couldn't just leave her there!"

"You could have called for help!" said Aurora, as she tells Maire.

"Yeah, but, by the time the actual help arrives, it'll be too late." said Maire, as she explained to her mother.

"I am very disappointed in you mija, you're acting as if your life doesn't matter to us." said Aurora, as she tells Maire. "Do you ever think about how we felt, if we ever lost you."

Before Maire could say anything, Aurora then cuts her off.

"Of course you didn't, you only thought about yourself!" said Aurora, as she scolds her daughter. "Like always, you always think about yourself, and others! But not how we, as your family will think, huh! We're always the last ones for you!"

After hearing her mother say that, Maire then looks at her and at Diego and Gael.

"No offense, but to be honest, I wasn't thinking of anything at all." said Maire, as she joked.

"Grr!" said Aurora, as she scoffed.

"Wrong answer, genius." said Gael, in a low voice.

"Okay, so I made a risky move." said Maire, as she tells them. "But come on, I'm fine, and came back all in one piece. So, no harm and no foul."

"That's true." said Diego, as he nodded.

"But, either way, I did thought of you guys." said Maire

"Well it didn't look like it." said Gael, as he tells Maire.

"Anyways, case close." said Maire

"Nope, we still have one more." said Diego, as he tells Maire, while raising an eyebrow.

Maire then reads her father and sighs.

"Oh right, the football incident." said Maire, as she tells them. "I forgot about that one."

"I trusted that Clara was going to look after you." said Aurora, as she tells Maire, in a disappointed tone. "I made it clear to her."

"Well, one Clara couldn't look after me, on that one, because she was playing on the field. Then two, I'm already considered an adult, well actually a young adult, who should already be responsible for my own actions. So, that whole being on thin ice, was on me, and not Clara, so don't blame her for that one. As well as the football incident, that was on me as well. And it was because of lack of sleep."

"Yeah, but she didn't tell me about the thin ice accident." said Aurora, as she tells Maire.

"Okay, well, that was because we didn't want to worry you." said Maire, as she tells Aurora. "You know, how you get when you hear situations like these."

"You mean, like right now." said Gael, as he raises his eyebrow.

"Yeah, that." said Maire, as she tells them. "However, you do have to give Clara some points, because she did help me get pulled out of the water as well."

"True." said Diego, as he nodded his head again.

"Well, she is right on that one." said Gael, as he looks at Aurora.

"Yes, but still. She will also be punished as well. For not telling me." said Aurora, as she looks at them before turning to Maire. "And as for you, you'll be grounded for a year."

"What?! A year?!" said Maire, who was surprised.

"Actually, Maire. You're going to be punished for a month, without no electronics or soccer. And a year in which you will not play soccer or go anywhere else."  

"What? But I'll miss the whole season!" said Maire, as she started to whine.

"I'm sorry Maire, but that's how your mother and I have decided your punishment will be." said Diego, as he tells Maire. "Maybe that will teach you to learn about your mistakes."

"Now, go to your room. Because, we still have a few things to talk about." said Aurora, as she looked at Maire, before turning to Diego and Gael.

Maire then goes to her room and sighs, as she sits down at her table desk. A few minutes later, Maire's father then knocks on Maire's room door.

"Hey Maire, can I come in?" said Diego, as he tells Maire who nods.

"Okay." said Maire, as she tells her father who enters her room with a box.

"Sorry about your one year grounding." said Diego, as he tells Maire. "Your mother thought of that punishment, as I thought that the 1 month one, was going to be good enough."

"It's okay, I sort of knew that something like this was going to happen." said Maire, as she tells Diego.

"Yeah, well nothing couldn't change her mind." said Diego, as he tells Maire. "Anyways, I went to the store and decided to get you something."

Maire then looks at the box that had a lot of holes on it, she then looks at her father with a confused look on her face.

"What is it?" said Maire, as she looked at the top side of the box that was a little bit close.

"Go ahead, open it." said Diego, as he smiled at Maire.

While opening the box, Maire then gasps.

"Awwww..." said Maire, as she saw a cute German Shepherd puppy in the box barking at her. "Hey there, little guy."

"Me and your mother decided to get you a pet, in order for you to take some responsibility for yourself. Taking care of this little guy can also help you take some time off the screens, since taking care of him will make the time go faster, before you know it." said Diego, as he tells Maire.

"You guys are the best! I've always wanted a dog, especially a german shepherd!" said Maire, as she smiled at her father. "Thank you!"

"So what are you going to name him?" said Diego, as he asked Maire. "Tell me so that I can get him a collar and a bowl."

"I always wanted a dog named Axel." said Maire, as she started to rub the puppy.

"Axel? Why not Max?" said Diego

"Well... One, because Max, is one of the most common names for dogs, especially german shepherds. That, and one of our neighbor's dogs is named Max, as well." said Maire, as she chuckled.

"Right, I forgot about that." said Diego, as he chuckled. "So, Axel then?"

"Yeah." said Maire

"Alright, then. I'll be right back." said Diego, as he put down the box on the floor and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

After her father left, Maire then looked at the puppy.

"Hey, buddy." said Maire, as she takes the excited puppy out from the box, and starts to play with him a little.

Maire then giggles.

"By the look of things, I could tell that you and I are going to be best friends." said Maire, as she smiles at the puppy who licks her hand. "Aw, you're so cute. Yes, you are, yes you are so cute Axel."

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