Chapter 6

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The next day, during practice, the girls were practicing on their warm-up drills, and their shooting drills as well.

"Yes! That one, was a good one!" said Gia, as she was kicking the soccer ball to the goal net.

"A good one? What do you mean that one was a good one? You missed the goal!" said Brooklyn, as she asked Gia.

"Yes, but. I'm imagining if that was a good goal." said Gia, as she tells Brooklyn.

"You and your imaginations are a little bit way off, sometimes." said Brooklyn, as she tells Gia, while later turning to Brynn. "Brynn, your friend is very weird sometimes."

"Yeah, because she reminds me of you." said Brynn, as she joked.

"Seriously?" said Brooklyn, as she tells Brynn. "I do not act like Gia, sometimes? How can you say that?"

"Because, nobody is perfect." said Brynn, as she tells Brooklyn, while she was chuckling. "That, and you have missed way more shots than Gia. So, what are you complaining about?"

After Brynn said that, Gia then started to giggle, making Brooklyn blush.

"Ouch, Brynn 1! Brooklyn 0!" said Nora, as she chuckled and called out, while listening to their conversation.

"Shut up, and start blocking some shots!" said Brooklyn, as she called out Nora.

"You mean, all of yours?" said Nora, as she smirked while chuckling, in which Brooklyn does angry pout.

"Ooh burn! Nice one Nora!" said Brynn, as she laughed.

"Psh, whatever." said Brooklyn, as she went to the back of the line, of where her group members were at.

While practicing their shooting drills along with music, Brynn then scores a goal, as Khole, Brooklyn, Gia, Sienna, and Nyla start to dance to various of other songs that were playing.

"What are you girls doing?" said Nora, as she started to call out to Khole, Brooklyn, Gia, Sienna, and Nyla. "This is soccer! Not dance class!"

"Oh come on, Nora!" said Brynn, as she laughed. "You know you want to dance, as well!"

"I'm going to dance to those songs later, but right now I'm going to block everyone's shots!" said Nora, as she calls out to Brynn.

Meanwhile, while trying to make a goal, Sabrina the nutmegs Khole and scores a practice goal.

"Nice save Nora!" said Brooklyn, as she joked.

"Hey, that was on Brittnay! Not on me!" said Nora, as she called out while she was next to the other side of the goal post.

After looking at Brooklyn, Nora then hears one of her favorite songs playing.

"Okay, now this is my song!" said Nora, as she admitted that she loved that song. "Conga line!"

After Nora said that, Brittney and Addison, along with Emery and Maire, started to also dance in a conga line, behind Nora around the goal area. While some of the girls stopped dancing, Scarlet, Rylee, Clara, Alaia, Reese, and Hadley laughed, along with Axel who was barking at them.

"Aw! I want to join in!" said Khole, as she sprinted towards them.

"Hey, don't leave us, take us with you!" said Gia, as she tells Khole. While chuckling.

"Yeah, come on girls, let's go!" said Nyla, as she signals Brooklyn, Sienna, and Sabrina, who follow her.

After lining on the conga line, Sabrina then looks at Sienna.

"Do you guys do this all of the time?" said Sabrina, as she asked Sienna.

"Yeah, sometimes." said Sienna, as she tells Sabrina. "Especially when it's the weekend."

As all of the girls started to follow Brittney, Nora, and Addison, along with Emery and Maire's conga line, the girls then looked at Coach Jennifer.

"Come on, Coach!" said Nora, as she called out to Coach Jennifer.

"Yeah, get in on the fun!" said Khole, as she also calls out to Coach Jennifer.

"Well... I shouldn't." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells the girls.

"Aw!" said the girls, while whining as they stopped the conga line.

After seeing the conga line had stopped, Coach Jennifer then looked at the girls.

"Hey, why did the train stop? I was just kidding!" said Coach Jennifer, as she joked while heading towards the girls, along with Axel following her. "Come on, let's get this train going again!"

After Coach Jennifer said that, the conga line then started to go again. After dancing a few songs, the team's conga line is cut short, as their speaker is turned off by a woman with a clipboard.

"Hey, who turned the music off?" said Nora, as she questioned the other girls.

"Not me." said Khole, as she raised her hand.

"Well, of course it wasn't you! We're all on the field, while no one is on the sideline!" said Nora, as she calls out to Khole.

"True." said Clara, as she tells them.

"Hey, who's that?" said Hadley, as she pointed to the woman with the clipboard.

As the girls looked at the speaker, they then saw a woman, still standing next to the speaker, looking back at them.

"Oh, you're on time!" said Coach Jennifer, excitedly. "Girls, meet our second coach, Coach Sloan!"

"WHAT?!" yelled all of the girls, at once.

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