Chapter 16

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The next day, as the girls arrive at the field for their morning practice, they find a familiar face on the sideline, knowing that their amazing day could end up into a horrible nightmare.

After seeing Coach Sloan on the sideline, the girls then looked at one another with a confused look on each of their faces. As Coach Sloan looks at the girls, she then smirks at them.

"You're all late." said Coach Sloan, as she tells the girls while glaring at them.

"Practice hasn't even started yet." said Nora, as she looks at Coach Sloan and grunts. "There's still plenty of time left."

Coach Sloan then focuses on Nora.

"Not according to my watch." said Coach Sloan, as she tells Nora.

While settling their stuff down on the sideline benches, the girls then looked around for Coach Jennifer, who was still nowhere in sight. Meanwhile as the team were putting on their soccer cleats.

"Man, this was going to be a beautiful day." said Nora, as she tells the girls. "But, Coach Sloan had to come and ruin it all."

"Speaking of a beautiful day..." said Sabrina, as she looked around. "Grey clouds are forming already."

"What?" said Nora, as she also looked around. "Aw, well isn't that great. It appears that it's going to rain today. Aw man, and everything was going to be perfect."

Coach Sloan, who was listening to Nora and Sabrina's conversation, then looks at Nora not keeping her eyes off her.

"There's no such thing as a perfect day." said Coach Sloan, as she grunts.

"Yeah, because we have Ms. Bossy pants, as a coach now." said Nora, as she mumbled in a low voice, which made the rest of the girls chuckle.

"What, was that Gomez?!" said Coach Sloan, in an angry tone, while referring to Nora.

"Nothing, I didn't say anything." said Nora, as she smirked and winked at the other girls while turning away from Coach Sloan.

"Now, since I'm here, I expect some respect from everyone of you." said Coach Sloan, as she glares at the girls, before turning to Nora. "Especially you, Gomez!"

"Well, that's the thing, you're not getting any respect from me, until you get rid of those ugly bossy pants of yours." said Nora, as she mumbled in a low voice again.

Coach Sloan then grunts.

"Hurry up ladies! You're taking too long!" said Coach Sloan, as she yells at the girls.

"Dang, is it me, or is Coach Sloan lacking patience as usual." said Nora, as she tells her teammates in which they all nodded, agreeing to her comment.

"What's taking you girls so long? They're just cleats!" said Coach Sloan, as she yells at the girls again.

"No offense, Coach Sloan, but we have to make sure that our cleats are tight." said Nora, as she tells Coach Sloan, while looking at her. "You know, so that we won't have our cleats fly out of our feet, when we kick the soccer ball."

After saying that, Nora then started to chuckle.

"Right." said Coach Sloan, as she gave Nora the cold stare, while not buying it.

"Ouch." said Hadley, as she tells Nora. "You just got a cold stare from Coach Sloan."

To break Coach Sloan's cold stare at Nora, Gia then decided to break the ice.

"Uh, Coach Sloan, where's Coach Jennifer?" said Gia, as she asked Coach Sloan, who looked at her. "Is she not coming today?"

"She won't be coming today, or any other day." said Coach Sloan, in a serious tone.

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