Chapter 15

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The next day, while the girls were practicing, both Three and One were sitting in one of the stands from the side of the field, in which Maire and her team were practicing.

"Why are we doing this again?" said One, as he asked Three.

"Well, you know just cause." said Three, as he tells One, who looks at him as he raises an eyebrow.

"Again, like why?" said One, as he asked Three again.

"Because, ever since Maire has been a full time soccer player, she's never been around any more. Maire also has a relationship with Jace now, as well as taking care of Axel too. In which I totally feel left out, since you're also not around with us anymore either." said Three, as he admits to One. "I really miss the 3 of us hanging out together."

"Well, of course you do, I mean I've always been on family trips, like for the past few months. Not to mention photograph practically every place for photography." said One, as he continued. "And Maire has been grounded for like the whole year of last year. And to be honest, we do need a little to catch on our past year."

"Yeah." said Three, as he and One looked back at the field.

"Uh, hey Three?" said One, as he asked Three.

"Yeah?" said Three, as he questioned One.

"Do you ever wonder if Maire and her teammates could watch us from the field?" said One, as he asked Three. "I mean, we didn't tell her that we were going to come and watch her practice."

"Mm... Nah." said Three, after he thought for a moment. "I'm pretty sure they're okay with it. After all, no one will ever notice."

Meanwhile on the soccer field that Maire and her teammates are practicing on...

Coach Jennifer, who has been noticing that One and Three were on the stands ever since they entered their property, then looks at the girls.

"I didn't know that we were going to have an open practice today?" said Coach Jennifer, as she joked. "According to my schedule, we always have an open practice meet, but nobody actually seems to care, until today."

After Coach Jennifer said that, the girls then started to giggle.

"Yeah, in which it does feel kind of odd." said Nyla, as she looks at One and Three from far away.

"Who are they coaching?" said Gia, as she asked Coach Jennifer.

"Beats me. I don't seem to recognize them." said Coach Jennifer, as she shrugs.  

"Hey, is that?" said Clara, as he looks at both One and Three from the stands.

As Clara recognizes them she then jogs to Maire.

After Clara tells Maire to look at the two guys in the stands, Maire then realizes that One and Three, were the ones sitting there.

After practice has ended, Maire then reunites with One and Three, while walking along with both Axel and Clara.

"What are you guys doing here?" said Maire, as she questioned both One and Three.

"We wanted to see her practice and be supportive of the team," said Three, as he smiled.

"Aw, that's sweet." said Clara, as she chuckled.

"Well, thank you guys for coming." said Maire, as she thanked both One and Three.

"Yeah, we also wanted to hang-out with you." said One, as he tells Maire. "Since we've hardly hang-out together, due to your soccer schedule and also you hanging out with Jace."

"Huh?" said Maire, as she raised an eyebrow at them.

"Can you ever be quiet." said Three, as he tells One, while whispering.

"Sorry, but it's true." said One, as he looked at Three, and later at Maire.

"Well, we can hang-out right now, since we'll be leaving in a couple of weeks, since we are going to be playing somewhere else." said Maire, as she tells both One and Three.

"Yeah, sure. That'll be great." said Three

Maire then starts to hang-out with One and Three, along with Clara and Axel, including Khole who decided to come along, since she had nothing else to do.

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