Chapter 2

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One year later...

"I can't believe, it's already been a year, bud." said Maire, as she looked at Axel, who was looking back at her. "I know right. That means that I am no longer grounded."

Maire then looks at a picture frame, with her and her other teammates in it.

"Well, I'm ready to get back on the field again." said Maire, as she later turns to Axel. "Even Though I've been at home for a whole year, you and we both know that not only have I been training you, but also I've been training myself for soccer as well."

Axel then barks, agreeing to Maire.

"Heh, you know it bud." said Maire, as she smiles at Axel. "I can't wait for you to meet the girls in person. Since, you already know them by how they look."

Just then, Maire gets a call from Three on her phone.

"Speaking of a friend, here's one now." said Maire, as she tells Axel, who barks. "Hello?"

"FIVE!!! It's so good to hear you!" said Three, as he yells at Maire happily, who flinches after hearing Three's loud voice. 

"Any louder?" said Maire, as she rubs her right ear.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited." said Three, as he apologized to Maire.

Maire then chuckles.

"It's okay, it's good to hear from you too. I missed you Three." said Maire

"Yeah, same here." said Three, as he chuckles. "Hey, is it okay if I can call you on video call?"

"Sure." said Maire, as she sits on her table desk.

Maire then hangs up on Three, who calls her through video call.

Maire then answers Three's video call.

"So, how have you been?" said Three, as he asked Maire.

"Good." said Maire, as she tells Three.

"That's good." said Three, as he tells Maire. "Anyways, I wanted to tell you who uploaded the video."

"Oh, well then who was it?" said Maire, as she asked Three.

"More like who were they." said Three

"What, it was more than one?" said Maire, as she questioned Three.

"Yeah." said Three, as he admits to Maire. "It turns out that Danielle Van De Donk, Jill Roord, Vivianne, and Jordan Nobbs, were the ones that posted the video on their social media."

"What?" said Maire, who was surprised.

"Yeah." said Three, as he tells Maire. "In which millions of followers shared the video, before they could even take it down."

Just then, Three then sees Axel on video call.

"Wait, you have a dog?!" said Three, as he asked Maire.

"Yes." said Maire, as she smiles at Three, and later at Axel. "I have a dog."

"Dude, really. How old is he?" said Three, as he smiled.

"Yeah, his name is Axel, and he's like 13 months old." said Maire, as she tells Three. "I've been taking care of him since he was a puppy."

"Cool, wait a minute. Does he bite?" said Three, as he questions Maire.

"Uh, no, he doesn't bite," said Maire, as she looked at Three. "Fun fact about him, he knows you and everyone by phone pictures or other pictures as well, but not in person. However, he has no reason to bite you, either way. Because, he'll know whether to like you or not."

"So I'm good?" said Three, as she asked Maire.

"Yeah, you're good." said Maire, as she tells Three. "But, either way, since I'm starting practice tomorrow, I'll have to take Axel with me. Since, he is still too small to be left alone, and since everyone is going to work and can't take care of him."

Just then, Three's phone then turns off and ends the video call.

"Uh, hello? Three? Are you in there?" said Maire, as she tells Three's caller ID. "Hm, I guess not."

A few minutes later...

Just then, there was a knock on her front door, after opening the door, Three then greets Maire.

"I decided to meet him in person, since you told me that he doesn't bite." said Three, as he smiled at Maire and then at Axel. "Hey there, man. Aw, you're so cute aren't you? Yes, you are. Yes, you are."

While Three starts to pat Axel on the top of his head, he then looks at Maire.

"Is Jace jealous, that you're giving attention to Axel, instead of him?" said Three, as he joked.

"What? No." said Maire, as she chuckles. "As a matter of fact, Jace is also a dog person. And also gets along well with Axel as well."

"Really." said Three, as he chuckles. "Well, he has no excuse not to. After all, he has to like Axel in order to get closer to you."

Maire then laughs at Three.

"Three, you're funny." said Maire

"Yeah, I know I am." said Three, as he looks at Axel and then back at Maire. "Can we play fetch with him?"

"Sure." said Maire, as she gets Axel's favorite chew ball and gives it to Three.

"A basketball, chew ball?" said Three, as he tells Maire. "Why not soccer?"

"My father bought it for him." said Maire

"If Kelley was here, she would be very disappointed," said Three, as he joked.

"Well, Kelley isn't here, isn't she?" said Maire, as she chuckled.

"Yeah, true." said Three, as he looked at Axel. "Come on, boy. Fetch!"

Three then throws the ball to Axel in Maire's front yard, in which Axel gets it. Both Maire and Three started to laugh, as Axel came running towards them, along with the ball.

"Good boy, Axel." said Maire, as she tells Axel, who barks.

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