Chapter 9

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The next day, the girls have their first practice game...

"Dang, look at those girls coming out of that bus!" said Nora, as she pointed at the girls who were wearing Navy blue and yellow uniforms. "Those girls are tall, compared to our team."

"Yeah." said Nyla, Emery, and Addison, who agreed to Nora.

"And from the look of it, they're from Sweden." said Scarlet, as she tells the girls. "Due to their blindness and the colors on their uniforms."

"Oh great, we're playing against Sweden." said Nora, as she groaned.

"Um, I don't think so," said Sienna, as she looked at the girls. "Look, they're going to the U-23 girls soccer field."

"We're saved!" said Nora, as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Um, no we're not." said Brynn, as she and the other girls look at Coach Sloan walking along with the U-20 Sweden team.

"Oh great! We're goners!" said Nora, as she whined. "I'm going to unpack my first aid kit, crutches, wheelchair, and the nearest hospital number, to get ready."

"Oh come on, Nora." said Coach Jennifer, as she walks next to Nora. "You're over exaggerating."

"Yeah, and I thought that I was the drama queen." said Khole, as she chuckled.

"Listen, I know you girls can handle this." said Coach Jennifer, as she looks at Nora and the rest of the girls. "I've seen you girls at practice, you girls are really good. I believe in you girls, I really believe that you girls are going to win this game."

"That's a good coach that you believe in us, but what happens if we lose?" said Nora, as she asked Coach Jennifer.

"Yeah." said Khole, as she and the other girls nodded.

"If you lose, then you lose." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells the girls while smiling. "You can't change back time. And either way if you girls do lose, then don't worry we'll get the next one. After all this is a practice game."

"Well in that case, I'm still going to unpack my medical supplies." said Nora, as she turned to her duffle bag.

Just then, before Nora could get to her duffle bag, Coach Sloan then turned to the girls.

"Alright ladies! Warm-up drills! Let's go!" said Coach Sloan, as she called to the girls out loud.

After listening to Coach Sloan telling them that, the girls then started to do their warm-up drills.

Moments later...

After doing their warm-up drills and stretches, the girls were already playing against Sweden's U-20 team. During the 1st half of the game, Addison scores a girl. A few minutes later, a sweden player then scores a goal.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines.

"Coach Jennifer, you might want to take out Brittnay, because she's too short to handle all of Sweden's tall players." said Brooklyn, as she tells Coach Jennifer, who was giving Alaia a subbed in slip.

"Already, on it Brooklyn." said Coach Jennifer, as she looks at Brynn, after giving Alaia her subbed in slip.

After seeing Alaia walking to the sub in the area, Coach Sloan then stood up from her seat and walked over to where Coach Jennifer was at.

"What do you think you're doing?" said Coach Sloan, as she angrily tells Coach Jennifer.

"Taking out Brittnay." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Coach Sloan, who grunts.

"Why? The kid could handle it." said Coach Sloan

"I'm doing it for her own good." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Coach Sloan.

"I put her in there for a reason." said Coach Sloan, as she talks back to Coach Jennifer.

"Coach Sloan, that's the thing, Brittany is way too small to handle those players." said Coach Jennifer, as she tries to prove her point to Coach Sloan, who grunts. "Brittany, could get hurt easily with those girls."

"Yeah, with just a flick of a finger, or a kick." said Brooklyn, as she tries to help Coach Jennifer win the argument.

After hearing Brooklyn say that, Coach Sloan then glares at her.

"Uh, nevermind, I said nothing." said Brooklyn, as she saw Coach Sloan's reaction, and turned back at the girls playing on the field. 

Coach Sloan then turns back to Coach Jennifer.

"Please, I'm pretty sure that Brittany doesn't want to be subbed out of the game." said Coach Sloan, as she smirks.

Meanwhile, in the USA's U-20 goal area.

"Take me out coach! Please, take me out!" cried Brittany, as she begged.

After seeing the substitution board, and her number being called out of the field, Brittany then runs to the sideline, after wishing Alaia good luck on the field. While walking to her team's goal post Alaia, then starts to adjust her goalkeeper gloves.

"Now, where were we?" said Alaia, as she smirked.

After a few minutes later, Rylee then makes an assist on helping Brynn score. While two minutes later, after trying to get the ball away from a Sweden player, Hadley then trips on the Sweden's player's foot, pushing her as she falls on the penalty box (causing her to fall too).

"Aw man." said Hadley, as she stood up from the ground.

After a penalty call was called on Hadley, Sweden then scored the penalty kick. The girls then tie in the first half of the game, with 2 - 2, as they go to halftime.

Meanwhile during halftime, Coach Jennifer then decides to change Coach Sloan's plays for hers, much to Coach Sloan's dismay.

"My strategy could work, you're just not giving it a try!" said Coach Sloan, as she tells Coach Jennifer.

"We're playing against one of our rivals, and you were about to endanger one of our best goalkeepers, who compared to our tall goalkeeper, was no match for the Sweden team." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Coach Sloan, while proving her point.

After saying that, Coach Jennifer then turned to Brittany.

"No offense, Brittany." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Brittany.

"Non taken." said Brittany, as she tells Coach Jennifer.

"Anyways, Brittany will have her chance." said Coach Jennifer, as she turns back to Coach Sloan. "But, it's not going to be today."

"Whatever." said Coach Sloan, as she grunts.

"You're going to have your chance of using your game strategy," said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Coach Sloan. "But, right now, leave this game to me."

A few minutes later, after halftime...

During the beginning of the second half, Maire is subbed in for Addison, Sabrina is subbed in for Brooklyn, and Clara is subbed in for Khole.

As the game starts again, Emery steals the ball away from a sweden player, and passes the ball to Clara. Clara then passes the ball to Sabrina, who passes the ball to Brynn. Brynn then nutmegs a sweden player as she passes the ball to Maire. Maire then makes an assist by helping Clara score.

A few minutes later, Nora then saves the ball from going into their goal net. A few minutes later, Clara then makes an assist by helping Sabrina score. The game then ends with Maire's team winning Sweden's international youth team 4 - 2, as the game ends.

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