Chapter 4

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The next day...

During practice, Coach Jennifer then gathers the team around.

"Coach, before you start practice. There's a few things that I would like to do first." said Hadley, as tells Coach Jennifer, who nods.

"Sure, Hadley. Go ahead." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Hadley.

"Thank you." said Hadley, as she walked inside of the team circle. "I would like to apologize to these girls for my past actions towards them. I know I was kind of rude and bossy when I came here. And have picked on a few girls who deserve my apology."

Hadley then looks at Gia, Brynn, and the other girls that she had picked on during her second day of the past year.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you girls." said Hadley, as she tells them. "You girls do have the right to hate me. Even Though I don't deserve your apology, for being so mean."

The girls looked at one another, until someone finally decided to speak.

"Oh Hadley, you weren't mean." said Gia, as she tells Hadley, who gives her a confused look.

"I wasn't?" said Hadley, as she questions Gia.

"You were more like a bully." said Gia, as she admitted to Hadley.

"Boom, goes the - Ow!" said Nora, who gets nudged by Clara.

"Yeah, I guess I deserve to be called that." said Hadley, as she admitted.

"Well in that case, we accept your apology." said Brynn

"However, we will need the time in order to trust you." said Gia, as she tells Hadley.

"Sure, take all the time you need." said Hadley, as she tells the girls.

A few minutes later, as the girls were doing their drills, Maire, Nora, and Clara then looked at Hadley.

"Don't feel bad, Hadley." said Clara, as she tells Hadley.

"Yeah, the girls just need the time to adjust, with the new you." said Maire    

"Yeah, the girls will have to take baby steps." Clara said, as Khole started to laugh out of laughter.

"Ah, baby steps! That's a good one, Clara." said Khole, who was listening to their conversation.

"Chismosa girl." said Nora, as she tells Khole while sticking her tongue at her.

Khole then laughed even more.

"I don't know what that even means, but it sounds funny!" said Khole, as she tells the girls while laughing hysterically.

"It means, gossip girl in spanish." said Maire, as she admits to Khole and Hadley.

Before Nora could take off one of her goalkeeper gloves, in order to smack Khole back into reality, Coach Jennifer then huddles the team again.

"Save by the Coach." said Nora, as she mumbles, as Khole stopped laughing.

As the team is huddled together, Coach Jennifer then looks at the girls.

"I am happy to announce that we'll be having a new player on the team." said Coach Jennifer, as smiles at the girls who all cheered.

"Finally! Hadley's and Zero's replacement!" said Nora, as she joked.

The girls then looked at Nora and stood quiet.

"What, I'm just kidding." said Nora, as she grins.

"Well, no. But either way, nice try Nora." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Nora. "Not only will we be having a new team player, but I am also going to announce our new team captain. And our new 2nd team captain will be... Clara!"

"WOOOO!!!" yelled Nora of excitement, as the other girls cheered. "That's my fam!"

"Congratulations." said Maire, as she takes off her captain armband, and gives it to Clara. "You deserve it."    

Just then, a girl with her sport duffle bag appears on the sideline of the field. As the girl walks up to the team, a surprised Maire, Clara, Nora, and Hadley, recognize the new girl.

"What...? You again?" said Nora, as she tells the girl, while giving her a confused look.

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