Chapter 30

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The next day, before morning practice...

Maire meets up with Tobin across from their team's lobby.

"Here's a list of Axel's schedule." said Maire, as she tells Tobin while giving her the schedule, including a bag of dog treats and a mini backpack with other dog supplies inside of it. "And here are some doggy treats, just in case."

"Doggy treats?" said Tobin, a confused look as she chuckled. "Five, it's not like he's going to stay with me for a long time." 

"I know, but just in case." said Maire, as she tells Tobin.

"True." said Tobin, as she agrees with Maire.

"Oh, and one more thing..." said Maire, as she looked at Tobin. "Axel won't leave your side, if he knows that you're going to look after him."

"Really?" said Tobin, as she asked Maire.

"Yeah, trust me." said Maire, as she smiles at Tobin and later turns to Axel who was wagging his tail. "Right bud?"

After Maire said that, Axel started to bark, in which he had agreed with her.

"Yup, I think he agreed with you." said Tobin, as she chuckled.

"Yeah, well with this lesh, comes great responsibility." said Maire, as she joked, while giving Tobin Axel's leash. 

Maire later looks at Axel and kneels down next to him, and rubs the top of his head.

"Alright bud, this is Tobin." said Maire, as she tells Axel, while Tobin grinned and waved at him. "She's going to be taking care of you, while I'm at practice."

Maire later looks back at Tobin and stands up.

"He's good to go." said Maire

"Don't worry, he'll be in good hands." said Tobin, as she chuckles.

"In which you'll be in good paws." said Maire, as she chuckled. "Oh, and one more thing!"

In which Tobin laughed.

"What now?" said Tobin, as she stopped laughing.

"I was going to say, don't worry if you want to watch a video, movie or pictures with a squirrel in it. Because, Axel won't chase after it." said Maire, as she tells Tobin.

"Really? So, not even Kelley?" said Tobin, as she asked Maire, while she joked.

"Kelley? I don't get it why Kelley?" said Maire, as she questions Tobin, while giving her a confused look.

"Uh, tell you later." said Tobin, as she tells Maire, while trying to change the subject as laughed. "Now, hurry up! You're going to be late!"

After Tobin said that to Maire, Maire then heads to the practice field, where she meets up with Clara and Hadley along the way.

"Hey, where's Axel?" said Clara, as she questioned Maire.

"I left him with Tobin," said Maire, as she explained to Clara. "Because she wanted to look after him during our morning practice."

"Oh, well lucky him." said Clara, as she tells Maire. "At least he won't hear Coach Sloan's yellings."

"Yup." said Maire, as she agrees with Clara.

"Are you sure that Axel is going to be okay by staying with Tobin?" said Hadley, as she asked Maire.

"Yeah, I mean. I'm sure that both Tobin and Axel are going to be fine." said Maire, as she tells Hadley.

"Why? Do you like to miss him already?" said Clara, as she smirked at Hadley.

"No, I was just saying." said Hadley, as she tells Clara.

Meanwhile after Maire had left, Tobin then looks down at Axel, who looks up at her.

"Man, that was a close one." said Tobin, as she chuckled. "Well, it looks like it's just you and me. Uh... Axel. No offense, but I'm pretty sure that you're going to get all of the attention in the room."

Meanwhile, in the meeting room, Allie is talking with Kelley, along with Lynn, Rose, and Christen.

After seeing Tobin entering the meeting room, along with Axel, Allie then gasps.

"You adopted a dog?!" said Allie, as she asked Tobin who laughed.

"What? No." said Tobin, as she started to chuckle, before turning to Axel and back at Allie.

In which Rose started to smile at Axel, while waving at him.

"No, this is Maire's dog, well puppy." said Tobin, as she tells Allie. "His name is Axel."

"Aww, he looks so cute!" said Allie, as she looks at Axel and starts to pat on the top of his head, before stopping and looking back at Tobin. "Wait, does he bite?"

After Allie said that, Rose, Christen, and Lynn along with Tobin burst out of laughter.

"Dude, you started to pat his head first, and then question me if he bites?" said Tobin, while laughing.

"Yeah, well... Does he?" said Allie, as she blushed.

"No, of course not. He's still a puppy." said Tobin, as she chuckled.

"Wait, are you? Like, dog sitting him?" said Allie, as she asked Tobin.

"Yeah, I'm going to take care of Axel, while Maire is at her morning practice." said Tobin, as she admitted to the girls.

"Aww, that's so sweet." said Lynn, as she smiles at Tobin and later at Axel.

Meanwhile a few more minutes later...

While waiting for the other girls to arrive in the meeting room Lynn, Rose, Allie, and Christen begin to get well along with Axel, after realizing that he's a good dog.

Just then, as Coach Jill enters the room, Axel begins to growl at Coach Jill for no reason, however after the lights were turned on, by Alex who turned on the lights from the room, after Coach Jill started to question the growling noise in the room.

After both Axel and Coach Jill made contact, and after Axel started to smell Coach Jill's scent, and later started to wag his tail, accepting that Coach Jill is friend after she smiled at him.

Christen turns to Allie, Lynn, Rose, and Tobin.

"What was that about?" said Christen, as she questioned the other girls, who all shrugged.

"Beats me." said Lynn

"That was a little odd, though." said Tobin, as she and the girls look at one another.

"Why hello there, what's your name?" said Coach Jill, as she looks at Axel.

"His name is Axel." said Rose, as she smiles at Coach Jill.

"He's Five's puppy." said Allie

"Oh, well hello there Axel." said Coach Jill, as she turns back to Axel. "Welcome abroad."

Coach Jill then waves at Axel and later walks to the front of the room.

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