Chapter 8

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The next day...

During the team's morning practice, the girls were trying to shoot some goals in the goal area, however, missed a few since they were too sore from yesterday's weight lifting.

"Alright, who's tired from yesterday? Sound on!" said Nora, as she asked the girls who all started to whine.

"Me!" said Khole, as she raised her hand in pain. "I'm deeply sore!"

"We all are, not just you." said Alaia, as she looks at Khole.

"Uh, I have a question?" said Brynn, as she asked the girls.

"What?" said Nora, as she tells Brynn.

"Is there a way we can switch the new coach, for a nice one?" said Brynn, as she asked the girls. "This one is why too serious, and a little mean."

"Mean?" said Nyla, as she tells the girls. "And she's bossy!"

"Yeah, very bossy!" said Emery

"Yeah, and she's been giving me the chills!" said Gia, as she tells the girls.

"Yeah, me too!" said Khole, as she agreed with Gia. "I've been getting bad vibes from her!"

"I'm pretty sure, she was kicked off from her other team." said Addison

"Oh come on, girls." said Coach Jennifer, as she looked at the girls, while walking towards them. "You girls shouldn't nag about Coach Sloan. Give her a break, she's just trying to help us."

"Coach Jennifer, no offense. But I don't get her training techniques." said Brittnay, as she admits to Coach Jennifer.

"Surely, Coach Sloan's training techniques are different from mine." said Coach Jennifer, as she tries to get the girls to collaborate with Coach Sloan's training techniques. "But, either way, this is what we must do, if you girls want to win this season."

"But, Coach Jennifer, you're like the greatest coach we've ever had!" said Sienna

"Yeah, you're like the best coach ever!" said Clara

"Yeah." said Maire

"Aw, that's very sweet of you girls." said Coach Jennifer, as she smiles at the girls. "But, either way, you girls are the best players that I could ever ask for."

"Aww..." said Khole, as she looked at Coach Jennifer. "Group hug!"

After Khole said that, everyone then walked towards Coach Jennifer.

"Uh, no." said Coach Sloan, Before the girls could share a group hug with Coach Jennifer. "Laps!"

After saying that, Coach Sloan then blew her whistle, in which the girls started to run around the soccer field.

"She's a total party pooper." said Nora, while she was running.

"She's cold hearted." said Addison, as she was running.

"I agree with Addi." said Scarlet

"Yeah, she's a big pain in the-" said Nora, before she was cut off by Alaia.

"Don't say it." said Alaia, as she tells Nora.

"What, I was going to say rear end." said Nora, as tells Alaia.

"Sure, you were." said Alaia, as she tells Nora.

Just then, the girls could hear Coach Sloan calling them from the sidelines.

"HURRY UP, LADIES!" yelled Coach Sloan, at the girls, as she was telling the girls to hurry up.

Moments later...

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