Chapter 41

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The next day, Christen, Carli, Kelley, Lynn, Tirena, Andi, and Mal enter the weight room to lift some weights. As the girls enter the weight room, they then realize that Maire, Clara, Nora, Hadley, and Sabrina had overslept in the weighting room.

"Oh my Goodness." said Christen, as she and the other girls were surprised, while looking around the room.

Hadley was sleeping on the sit up bench facing up, Sabrina was sleeping on one of the weight room benches, and both Clara and Maire were sleeping in between Nora, while sitting down against the wall.

"Hey girls, watch this." said Kelley, as she whispers to them.

Kelley kneels in front of Nora, and tries to wake her up by rubbing the side of her left arm. As Kelley rubbed Nora's left arm, Nora's reflexes started to react by hitting Maire on her face close to the area of her nose, in which causes Christen, Carli, Kelley, Lynn, Tirena, Andi, and Mal to gasp, as Maire, while still being asleep covers her face with both of her hands, and leans all the way down to the right side of the floor mat.

"Kelley!" said Carli, as she whispered to Kelley, while also hitting her from the side of her head.

"Ow!" said Kelley, as she touched the side of her head.

"Don't ever do that again!" said Carli, as she whispered.

"Ouch!" said Kelley, as she whispered while rubbing the side of her head.

"Really Kelley." said Tirena, as she whispered, while she and the other girls chuckled.

"To be honest Kelley, that didn't even wake her up." said Andi, as she whispered while giggling.

"Yeah, you just made a sleeping Nora, hit a sleeping Maire on her nose." said Mal, as she also chuckled.

"Well, it's not my fault." said Kelley, as she started to defend herself. "How should I know that she was going to do that?"

"Girls, Kelley has a point on that." said Lynn, as she agreed with Kelley.

"True." said Tirena, as she whispered.

"There probably has to be another way to wake them up." said Christen, as she whispered.

Just then, After hearing Carli's voice, along with Christen, Kelley, Lynn, Tirena, Andi and Mal's whisper, Sabrina and Hadley, along with Clara started to wake up.

"Man, is it morning already?" said Sabrina, as she asked while yawning.

"I don't know?" said Hadley, as she also yawns as well.

"Dudes, I think we really need to let some sunlight in here." said Clara, as she yawns while rubbing her eyes.

"Sunlight?" said Mal, as she and the other girls started to giggle.

"Girls, you do realize that the weight room doesn't have any windows right?" said Lynn, as she tells them.

"The Weight room?" said Clara, as she questioned them, while she stopped rubbing her eyes. "OMG! Girls we overslept in the weight room!"

"WHAT?!" yelled both Sabrina and Hadley, as the two girls looked around one another.

"What, but how is that possible, I thought we were back in our dormitory room?" said Sabrina, as she questions the other girls.

"Yeah, probably in your dreams, but not here." said Kelley, as she started to chuckle as well.

"Kelley was trying to wake Nora up, by rubbing her left arm." said Christen, as she tells Clara while looking at her.

After saying that to Clara, Christen then leaned over to Nora and was about to rub her left shoulder.

"No, wait don't!" said Clara, as she warns Christen. "Don't do that, because if you touch or tap on Nora's left shoulder, then her fast reflexes will strike and hit them due to safety protection."

"Great, so how can we wake her up?" said Andi, as she asked Clara.

"Like this." said Clara, as she taps Nora on her right shoulder with two fingers.

After feeling Clara tapping on her shoulder, Nora then wakes up by yawning.

"The Queen of Flawless is awake!" said Nora, as she stopped yawning.

"Finally." said Kelley

"Oh great, it's you." said Nora, as she looks at Kelley, while giving her the stink eye.

"Nora." said Clara as she tells Nora.

"What?" said Nora, as she tries to act innocent.

"Don't start nothing." said Clara, as she looked at her.

"I make no promises." said Nora, as she crosses her arms.

"Yeah, well sorry to break the stink eye moment here, but it's already too late for the whole waking up Nora with two fingers on her right shoulder." said Tirena, as she tells Clara.

"Why do you say that?" said Clara, as she asked Tirena.

Just then, after seeing Maire starting to move, in which Sabrina looks at Maire who wakes up after taking her hands off from her face and sits up.

"Uh, I think that's why." said Sabrina, as she pointed at Maire.

"Huh?" said Clara, as she and the other girls looked at Maire and gasped, after they saw that blood was running down from Maire's nose.

"Oh-" said Clara

"My-" said Nora

"Gosh-" said both Hadley and Sabrina

"Girls, girls, I had this weird dream, in which somebody hit me in the face." said Maire, as she tells the girls.

"Yeah, um, I don't think that wasn't a dream." said Hadley

In which Maire looks at a nearby mirror.

"Oh my gosh, girls!" said Maire, as she looked at the girls in shock. "My dream came true!"

After Maire said that, everyone in the room looked at Kelley.

"Y-eah, about that...", said Kelley, as she started to blush and grin.

The next day, Maire's team then played against England's youth international team. Maire is then wearing a clear face shield due to the hit that she took from Nora, who's always apologizing to her.

"Zero, I'm so sorry about yesterday." said Nora, for the 20th time.

"Nora, for the 20th time already, it's fine." said Maire, as she tells Nora. "Kelley, already confessed in front of us, remember. Carli and the other girls made sure of it."

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