Chapter 20

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Two days later...

The girls then played against Japan's youth national team, beating the girls 2 - 0, as the game ended.

The next day, as the girls enter their locker room, they then see that their locker room was full of post-its all over the room, including the benches.

"What-" said Addison

"The-" said Clara, as she cut off Addison.

"Post-it's?-" said Maire, as she cut off Clara.

"How?" said Nora, as she cut off Maire.

"More like when, did this happen?" said Rylee, as she corrected Nora.

"That, and who did it." said Hadley, as she questioned them.

"It could be anyone." said Alaia, as she tells the girls.

While the girls were looking around the locker room, Coach Sloan then entered the room.

"What in the?" said Coach Sloan, as she turns around and sees the whole room that's full of post-it's. "This, Is unexceptable!"

"Psh, I know right, Coach." said Brittany, as she tells Coach Sloan, who grunts.

"You girls should have locked the room, while we were out! And now thanks to all of you this vandalism happened, inside of our locker room!" said Coach Sloan, who was furious with the team.

"But Coach Sloan, you were the last one out of the room." said Gia, as she tells Coach Sloan.

"This isn't my fault, so don't try to blame it on me." said Coach Sloan, as she gives Gia the stink eye.

"But, I wasn't-" said Gia, as Coach Sloan cut her off.

"Anyways, due to this vandalism! You girls will have to collect all of the post-its, and also report to me the time, or how long it took you girls!" said Coach Sloan, as she glared at everyone in the room.

"But, they're just so many." said Brittany, as she whined.

"Well, that's what you get." said Coach Sloan, in an angry tone. "After, telling me the time that it took you girls to clean up the whole locker room, is going to be the time that we are going to take for the rest of our practices."

After Coach Sloan said that, the rest of the girls started to whine.

"No whining!" said Coach Sloan, as she yelled at the girls. "Unless you all want to have a late practice, then I suggest that you get started."

Coach Sloan then leaves the room, as the girls started to pick the post-it's and started to throw them away. While the girls were cleaning up the locker room, Brittany then started to whine.

"What are you whining about?" said Nora, as she tells Brittany.

"We've been doing this for hours now, and like literally we aren't making any progress." said Brittany

"Well, how do you want us to make any progress, if you're the only one who picks the post-it's one by one, while the rest of us are picking off a handful of them, with both hands!" said Nora, as she yells at Brittany.

"Hey, I'm still tired from practice." said Brittany

"I know you are, and so is everyone in this room, including me. So, quit it with your whining Queen Obvious, and start helping." said Nora, as Brittany sticked her tongue at her.

While the girls were taking off more post-it's, Clara then finds a post-it with the letter K and the #5, on it.

"Hey girls, check this out." said Clara, as she holds onto the post-it, while looking at Nora, Maire, and Hadley.

Nora, Maire, and Hadley, walked over to where Nora was at. As the girls were looking at the post-it, Nora then grunted.

"I knew it, It's a prank from Kelley!" said Nora, as she yelled angrily. "Thanks to her, we have to clean up the mess that she made."

"Oh my goodness." said Maire, as she put her left hand on her forehead.

"I can't believe this." said Clara

"Of course, if she realizes this means war," said Nora, as she smirks.

"Oh no." said Maire

"Uh, I don't think I like the sound of that." said Hadley

"Uh oh, The Queen of Pranks, just awoke the Princess of Pranks. Let the prank war begin!" said Clara, as she looks at Nora, Maire, and Hadley.

After cleaning up the locker room and ending practice, Nora then plans one of her greatest pranks on the USWNT's lounge room, the whoopee cushion prank.

"Bwhaha, this is going to be my biggest prank yet!" said Nora, as she was putting a whoopie cushion inside of Kelley's seat cushion.

As Nora finishes customizing Kelley's seat cushion, she then leaves the room. A few minutes later, while the girls were in the inside of the lounge room, Nora video records the moment when Kelley sits on the whoopie cushion, from the hallway.

Nora then leaves to the locker room.

While in the locker room, Nora then shows the rest of the video to the rest of the other girls (except for Coach Sloan), in which they all burst out of laughter.

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