Chapter 34

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The next day, the USA U-20 girls play against Brazil's U-20 girls team.

During the 1st half, Maire is put in as a starter along with some of her teammates.

"Aw great." said Maire, as she tells herself. "I'm pretty sure it was Coach Sloan's idea, in order to teach me a lesson."

As Hadley took the ball away from a Brazilian player, she then passed the ball to Brynn, who was open. While Brynn was dribbling the ball, Maire then signaled Brynn.

"Ball!" said Maire, as she called out to Brynn.

After seeing that Maire was open, Brynn then passes the ball to Maire.

"Five, here!" said Brynn, after passing the ball to Maire.

While Maire was dribbling the ball, towards one of her teammates, a player from Brazil kicked her from behind.

"Gah!" said Maire, as she yelled while falling on the ground. "Ow, ow, ow!"

Maire was yelling on the ground in pain, and tried to get up from the ground. The ref then runs to Maire, after seeing that she was having trouble getting up, and calls for medical assistance. The ref later gives the Brazilian girl a yellow card.

While Maire was still on the ground, she then tells the medical assistant that she is okay, and lies to them that she was just taking a small break. Clara, Hadley, and Sabrina were next to Maire along with Khole and Brynn.

"Girls, come on, let's give them some space." said Brynn, as she tells Khole, Hadley, and Sabrina. "Clara, you stay here, since she's your cousin."

As Brynn, along with Khole, Hadley, and Sabirna, were walking away from Maire, Clara, and the medical assistants. Brynn, Khole, Hadley, and Sabirna watched as the medical assistants started to leave without Maire following them.

"Oh come, on Maire." said Clara, as she begged. "You were taken down pretty hard, let the medical assistants take you out of the field."

"I'm fine, Clara. Really." said Maire, as she tells Clara, who started to follow her.

"What's going on?" said Nora, as she questions Clara, while she and Hadley were also following them. "Why didn't the medical assistants take Zero out of the field?"

"Because, she didn't want to." said Clara, as she tells both Hadley and Nora, with Sabrina nearby.

"What?!" said both Nora, Hadley, and Sabrina all at once.

"Yup." said Clara, as she mumbled.

"Oh come on, Zero!" said Sabrina, as she whined.

"Yeah, you should let the medical assistants check you." said Hadley, as she admits to Maire.

"Girls, I'm fine really." said Maire, as she lies to them, even though her injury hurted her more than the lie. "I can play, really."

Clara, along with Hadley and Sabrina, all raised an eyebrow at her.

"Really? Are you really alright?" said Hadley, as she asked Maire one last time.

"Yes," said Maire, as she lied again.

After Maire said that, all four girls then went to their positions, as the game continued.

After the 1st half of the game, Maire's team was winning by 4 - 0, after Brynn, Brooklyn, Hadley, and Sabrina had all scored a goal during the 1st.

While in the locker room, during halftime, Maire is feeling pain in her left knee, but tries not to catch any attention while in the locker room. However, little did Maire know that someone was watching her from the side of the locker room either way.

After halftime, Maire is then subbed out of the game by Brittney.

The game then ends with the USA U-20 girls team beating Brazil's U-20 girls team 6 - 2, as the game ends.

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