Chapter 24

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The next day, the USA U-20 girls team then played against Mexico's U-20 girls soccer team.

Meanwhile during the team's warm-ups, Sabrina was juggling a soccer ball along with Nora, Clara, Maire, and Hadley.

"I can't believe we got yelled at by Coach Sloan, again!" said Nora, as she grunted. "And like, for no reason!"

"What did we do?" said Hadley, as she tells the girls. "Kelley, didn't prank us this time?"

"Well, whatever happened, she took it on us." said Maire, as she shrugged.

"I'm pretty sure that her favorite soap opera character didn't end up with the guy that she wanted." said Nora, as Clara shook her head.

"I'm pretty sure that she doesn't even watch soap opera." said Clara

"Well, whatever she watched yesterday that got her upset, I'm pretty sure that it wasn't good." said Nora, as she tells the girls who all nodded except for Sabrina.

Sabrina then sighs.

After hearing Sabrina sighed, Nora, Clara, Maire, and Hadley, looked at Sabrina becoming concerned for her.

"Is something wrong Sabrina?" said Maire, as she asked Sabrina.

"We're going to play against Mexico's U-20 girls team." said Sabrina, as she told the girls.

"And?" said Nora, as she asked Sabrina.

"We're going to play against my twin sister, Monica." said Sabrina, as she tells the girls.

"So?" said Nora, as she tells Sabrina, while putting her hands on her hips and not realizing what Sabrina was trying to tell them. "What's the problem?"

"Nora." said Clara, as she tells Nora, while putting her right on her forehead. "Can't you see what Sabrina is trying to tell you?"

"Uh, nope not really." said Nora, who was still a little confused.

"Sabrina is going against Monica Flores, her twin sister." said Hadley, as she admits to Nora. "Both Sabrina and her twin sister Monica, would play for Mexico's National team. However, right now Sabrina is going to play against her twin sister, instead of alongside her."

"Oh... Right." said Nora, as she finally gets it. "Man that sucks, not only because she's your twin, but also because we're going to kick their rear-ends after the game."

Clara, who was right next to Nora, nudges her on her arm.

"Oof!" said Nora, as she looked at Clara. "What? It's the truth!"

After their warm-ups, the game finally started, with Nora, Hadley, Brynn, Emery, Khole, Nyla, Sienna, Addison, Scarlet, and Clara.

However since the team is missing one more Defender due to Reese being out because of an injury, Coach Sloan then puts in Brittany as a Defender even though she doesn't know how to play as one.

"Come on, Brittany! You can do it!" said Nora, as she was cheering for Brittany.

"Easy for you to say!" said Brittany, as she tells Nora, much to her dismay. "At least, you're playing as a goalkeeper, instead of a defender!"

"It's easy, just don't touch the ball with your hands, and you'll be fine." said Nora, as she tells Brittany.

"I have a feeling about this." said Brittany, as she admitted to Nora.

"You got this Brittany!" said Khole, as she and the other girls cheered for her.

As the game starts, the ball is then kicked by Scarlet to Brittany. However, since Brittany forgot that she was playing in as a defender instead of a goalkeeper, is then called 'Mano', since she touched the ball with her hands. The ball is later given to Mexico because of that.

After seeing Brittany doing that, a disappointed Nora then puts her hands on her eyes.

"Oh... Brittany!" said Nora, as she called out to Brittany while groaning.

"Oops, sorry girls!" said Brittany, as she grinned in embarrassment while apologizing.

"It's okay!" said Khole, as she tells Brittany, while being positive. "You'll get the next one! Just, remember not to touch the ball with your hands this time!"

A few minutes later, Mexico scores a goal. A few minutes later, Khole scored a goal.

After half time, Maire is then subbed in for Addison. Two minutes later, Hadley then scored a goal. After a few minutes later, Sabrina is then subbed in for Scarlet.

"You got this, Sabrina!" said Maire, as she was cheering for Sabrina, as the other girls followed.

Sabrina then nodded and headed to her position, as Maire headed to her position as well.

During the game, Sabrina then steals the ball from a player from Mexico, and dribbles it. While Sabrina was dribbling the ball, Monica tried to take the ball away from her.

After seeing that Sienna was open, Sabrina then signals at Sienna.

"Sienna!" said Sabrina, as she passes the ball to Sienna, who gets it.

"Nyla!" said Sienna, as she passed the ball to Nyla, after seeing that a player from Mexico was coming her way.

As Nyla gets the ball from Sienna, she then dribbles the ball to Maire.

"Zero! Take the shot!" said Nyla, after she passed the ball to Maire, who had a clear shot.

However, instead of Maire taking the shot for herself, she then passes it to Brittany who was also open.

"Brittany!" said Maire, after she passed the ball to Brittany.

Brittany then takes the ball and shoots it to the goal net, and scores.

"Yes!" said Maire, as she and her teammates celebrated Brittany's goal, around her.

"I did it! Did you girls see that!" said Brittany, as she celebrated along with her teammates.

Meanwhile, on USA's U-20 girls team goal area.

"She did it, I can't believe Brittany scored a goal!?" said Nora, as she couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, said the one, who said that Brittany wasn't going to last long on the field, as a defender." said Khole, as she mocked Nora.

"Hey, it was a lucky shot. And a lucky pass too." said Nora, as she tells Khole. "Yeah, but, I wonder how Coach Sloan is going to react this time."

After the game ends, Maire's team then beats Mexico 3 - 2, after Monica scored a goal for Mexico.

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