Chapter 3

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The next day, in the morning...

Maire was inside of her room along with Axel.

"Well bud, this is it." said Maire, as she tells Axel, while she crosses off the last day of her grounded day on her calendar. "I'm finally getting out of here."

After doing that, Maire then looks at Axel, while grabbing her backpack.

"Let's go bud." said Maire, as she smiled at Axel, who barks and follows her out of her room. "We're going to the field where our team will be practicing."

Axel then barks agreeing to Maire.

"Yup." said Maire, as she chuckles happily at Axel.

"Well, you two look excited." said Diego, as he looks at his daughter and at her dog. "Are you guys ready?"

"Yup, we sure are." said Maire, as she looked at her father and smiled. "Axel is really excited to meet the team."

"Yeah, I could tell. He won't stop wagging his tail." said Diego, as he looked at Axel while chuckling before looking back at Maire. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yup." said Maire

"Great, then I'll take you guys there, before I go to work." said Diego, as he tells Maire. "Come on you two, we don't want to be late."

Both Maire and Axel left the house along with Diego, who took them to the team's training field. After arriving there, Diego then drops off Maire and Axel in the driveway of the field. After waving goodbye to her father, Maire and Axel both left to the field that her team was training on. Maire then sees that her teammates were on the sideline of the field, getting ready.

"SHE'S BACK!" yelled Khole, as she told the other girls, who were surprised.

A happy and excited Khole then runs towards Maire, and starts to hug her with a bear hug.

"It's... Good to see, you too! Khole!" said Maire, as she could barely talk, while being hugged by Khole too tight.

"Well, look who's finally here. It's good to have you, back Zero." said Alaia, as she looks at Maire, and later turns to Khole. "Khole, let her go. Or you'll break her!"

"Okay." said Khole, as she lets go of Maire, who relaxes.

"Thank you, I thought that she was going to break me." said Maire, as she joked.

"Heh." said Alaia, as she chuckled.

Just then, Khole then gasps.

"Oooh look, a doggy!" said Khole, in a childish way after seeing Axel, and headed towards him.

"Careful, he could bite" said Alaia

After hearing Alaia saying that, Khole then stops running and looks at Maire, before she could take another step towards Axel.

"Wait. Does he?" said Khole, as she questions Maire.

"No, he doesn't." said Maire, as she tells Khole.

"So, can I pet him?" said Khole, as she asked Maire.

"Sure," said Maire, as Khole squeals in excitement.

While Khole was petting Axel, the other girls started to do so as well. As the girls were petting Axel, Coach Jennifer then started to walk towards them.

"Alright girls, listen up, since you are already dressed up, let's begin with our stretches." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells the girls who all separated from each other, while also looking at Axel who walks in front of her and sits down. "Oh hello, and who might you be?"

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