Chapter 31

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Later, that same day...

Both Allie and Maire were walking in the hallway, in where Maire was going to meet Tobin in the lobby, in order to pick up Axel.

"So, how did it go?" said Maire, as she asked Allie.

"It went great." said Allie, as she chuckled. "The girls loved spending time with him."

"Did you also have a great time?" said Maire, as she asked Allie.

"Of course I did." said Allie, as she tells Maire. "I was a little scared of him at first, but then after Tobin told me that he was a puppy and that he doesn't bite, I started to like him after."

Maire then started to chuckle.

"Yup, don't worry, Axel won't bite you, if he knows that you're friendly." said Maire, as she tells Allie.

"I hope so." said Allie, as she admits to Maire.

As both Allie and Maire arrive in the lobby, she then sees that Tobin was playing with Axel.

"He he he." said Allie, as she and Maire started to chuckle while watching Tobin.

Tobin turned towards them, and smiled.

"Oh hey, you're back so soon?" said Tobin, as she chuckled, while asking Maire.

"To be honest, it doesn't sound like you're too happy to see me." said Maire, as she joked.

"I am, it's just that well... Don't you have any other things to do?" said Tobin, as she asked Maire.

"No, why?" said Maire, as she questions Tobin.

"Oh you know, so that I can take care of him, while you're busy." said Tobin, as she grins while hugging Axel, who was wagging his tail.

Both Maire and Allie, looked at eachother and smirked after the two of them realized why Tobin was acting funny.

"You got so in touch with him, that you don't even want him to leave, huh?" said Allie, as she and Maire looked back at Tobin.

"Well... Um..." said Tobin, as she blushed while grinning.

"Tobin?" said Maire, as she questioned Tobin.

"Okay, fine. I admit it." said Tobin, as she told Maire, while Allie started to giggle. "Axel's a good dog, I mean a puppy. And well, he's really trained too and fun to play with! And is there any chance if I can look after him for you, while you're at practice or at your games? Please! Please! Please!"

"Well..." said Maire, as she put her left hand on the back of her neck. "I... Don't want to-"

Before Maire could finish her sentence, she saw that Tobin was giving her the puppy eyes.

"Aw man, not the puppy eyes." said Maire, as she looks at Tobin and later looks at Axel, who was also giving her the puppy eyes as well. "Oh come on Axel, not you too?!"

"Please..." said Tobin, as she begged Maire.

"Oh, well alright." said Maire, as she tells Tobin, who squeals like a little girl while cheering.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" said Tobin, as she stood up from her seat and hugged Maire, while Axel started to bark as well.

"Urk!" said Maire, as Tobin was hugging her in a bear hug.

"Thank you, Thank you." said Tobin, as she thanked Maire.

"Yes, yes, okay. We get it now, Tobin, now let her go! You're crushing her!" said Allie, as she tells Tobin, who finally lets go of Maire.

"Sorry." said Tobin, as she blushed.

After Tobin finally lets go of Maire, Axel then stops barking.

"Hear that boy, I'm going to dog sit you!" said Tobin, as she tells Axel, who stands next to her while wagging his tail.

While talking to Tobin and Allie for a few more minutes, Maire leaves along with Axel after talking to them.

The next day, the USA U-20 girls team is going to play against Spain's girls U-20 national team.

During the game Maire is put in as a starter since Coach Sloan didn't want to use Gia as a starter.

"Oh great." said Maire, as she walked on the field, while still trying hard not to limp. "You should've told her sooner Maire, maybe she'll understand. But, then again... We'll still have less players on the team, due to my injury."

In the 1st half of the game, Khole scores a goal. A few minutes later, Brooklyn then takes the ball away from a player and passes it to Sabrina. Sabrina then scores a goal.

A few more minutes later, Alaia manages to block a goal from a player from Spain. As Alaia kicks the ball across the field, Maire manages to get it, before any of the midfielders from Spain could get it.

While running, Maire manages to dodge all of the attacks from Spain's defending team, but is later stopped and shoved onto the ground by a Spain defender.

"Gah!" said Maire, as she groaned. "Seriously?!"

As Maire is trying to get up from the ground, she starts to limp more than usual.

While walking across the other side of the field, Maire then trips and falls on the ground, stumbling.

Addison, who was watching that Maire was having trouble walking on the field, runs towards her.

"Zero?!" said Addison, as she kneels close to her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I am. I'm just stumbling, that's all." said Maire, as she looks at Addison.

"Right, here, let me help you get up." said Addison, as she grabs a hold of Maire's right arm and helps her get up from the ground. "There, you go."

"Thanks Addison, I couldn't have done it without you." said Maire, as she thanked Addison.

After being helped by Addison on the field, Maire manages to walk normally.

After halftime and during the 2nd half of the game, Maire is then subbed out of the game by Nora, since she was put into the game by Coach Sloan, as a forward.

"Good luck, Nora!" said Maire, as she turns to Nora.

"I'm screwed!" said Nora, in reply.

A few minutes later, Hadley then makes a goal. Meanwhile in the sideline benches, Maire starts to touch her left knee, while Clara watches her from the other side of the bench.

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