Chapter 46

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A few minutes later, Maire wakes up with Clara sitting on a chair.

"Hey." said Clara, as she told Maire, whose eyes were swollen.

After Clara said hi to Maire, Maire then nodded at Clara without looking at her.

"Um, Tobin, Lindsey, Lynn, and Christen, want to talk to you." said Clara, as she tells Maire, who still wouldn't respond to her. "So, yeah..."

After Clara lets Tobin, Lindsey, Lynn, and Christen inside of the room, the girls then ask a silent Maire on how she is feeling, while Lindsey also apologizes to Maire for crashing into her.

"I know, I should have stopped but I didn't." said Lindsey, as she tells Maire who said nothing in response, and was still staying quiet. "You have the right to be mad, either way I deserve it. However, I didn't know that you were injured. Nobody told me until now."

After Lindsey admitted the truth to Maire, Maire still wouldn't say anything.

"Come on, Five. Say something, anything." said Lindsey, with a worried look in her eyes, as tears started to form in her eyes.

"I accept your apology." said Maire, as she tells Lindsey, while not looking at her, and just looked down at her legs.

In which Tobin could tell that Maire was disappointed in herself, due to her not paying attention to them as she spoke.

"You were right, Tobin." said Maire, without looking at Tobin, as well. "I should've listened to you, about taking risks. But, instead ignored your warnings, in which I regret doing so. I'm sorry."

"What? No, of course not, Five." said Tobin, as she tries to make things a lot better, by denying Maire's claims.

"Tobin, please don't lie to me." said Maire, as she tells Tobin, while finally looking at her. "We both know the truth! We all know the truth, I got myself into this situation, and know I'm dealing with this situation! For my whole life!"

"Yeah, but there's still hope," said Tobin, as she tells Maire.

"Yeah, well for me, hope is gone." said Maire, as she tells Tobin, as she started to raise her voice. "According to the doctor, I fractured my left knee, in which there is no cure for me. That, and he admitted that I'm going to be crippled my whole life! And, due to my poor choices, I'm stuck in this mess forever!"

After saying that to Tobin, Maire then sighs and cools down quickly.

"If I thought that my learning disability was going to be a big problem for me, due to dealing with it forever," said Maire, as she continued. "Then I was wrong. Now I have two things that are going to drag me down, one being a cripple, and the other one with a learning disability. If I thought I wasn't useless before, now I think that I am useless with them."

"Oh come on, Five." said Lynn

"Yeah, Five just think positive." said Christen, as she tells Maire.

"That's the only problem." said Maire, as she tells Christen, while looking at them, much to the girl's shock. "I can't."

"What, are you serious?" said Tobin, as she asked Maire. "Maire, you've come so far in soccer, you can't quit now!"

Tobin, then takes a step closer towards Maire.

"Please, just go." said Maire, in a low voice.

"Five, please don't shut us out." said Tobin, with a sad look on her face.

"Please, Tobin just leave." said Maire, as she pleaded with them.

"No, I won't." said Tobin, as she tells Maire. "Listen Maire, you've come so far on soccer, you can give that up now! You would always fall down, but would always get back up again."

Lynn could tell that Tobin was tense while she was telling that to Maire, and grabbed her by her arm, as she saw that she was getting closer to her.

"Yes, but I would fall, but I've never fallen hard enough to be a cripple person." said Maire, as she tells Tobin, who stops walking towards her. "So, can you all do me a favor and just leave. Please."

"No, I'm not going to leave." said Tobin, as she tells Maire, while crossing her arms. "I'm staying here."

Christen then looks at Tobin.

"Come on, Tobin." said Christen, as she tells Tobin and later looks at both Lindsey and Lynn, who were in between Tobin. "Maire's right, I think it's best for us to leave already, after all Maire's just tired, so let's go. And let her rest."

After Christen said that, the girls then finally agreed with her, including Tobin.

After Tobin, Lindsey, Lynn, and Christen leave, Maire then also tells Clara to leave.

"I don't want you to see me like this, so can you please just leave." said Maire

"Uh yeah, no. Whether you like it or not, I'm going to stay until my uncle comes." said Clara, as she tells Maire. "You may kick out your former teammates, but not me."

Maire then shakes her head in disapproval.

After five minutes later, Maire then wakes up again, and sees that Alyssa is watching over her. Alyssa then tells Maire that her father is here, and that she is going to get surgery, while also admitting to her that Clara went to pick-up Axel from Khole.

Maire then sighs.

Just then, as Diego walks inside of the room, Alyssa then leaves.

A few moments later, Clara then arrives with Axel, but is waiting outside.

The next day, Maire then gets surgery on her left knee.

A few days later, Maire is finally out of the hospital, where she has a wheelchair, since she can't walk, and heads to the inside of her dark room, silently closing the door behind her with nothing to say in response as she was greeted warmfully by her loved ones.

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