Chapter 40

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The next day, Maire's team plays against The Netherlands U-20 girls team. Coach Sloan doesn't let Maire play, due to Dawn being right there to watch over her along with Axel. During the first half of the game, Brooklyn scored a goal (0 - 1).

A few minutes later, Hadley then makes an assist by helping Clara score (0 - 2). A player from the U-20 Neitherlands girls team tries to score a goal, but her shot is blocked by Alaia. A few more minutes later, during the 2nd half of the game Sabrina then scores a goal (0 - 3).

Just then, a player from the Netherlands team manages to score a goal (1 - 3). After the game ends the U-20 USA girls team then beat the U-20 Netherlands girls team (1 - 3), as the game ends.

While Clara, Maire, Nora, and Hadley, along with Sabrina, were walking towards the locker room, they heard familiar voices coming from behind them.

"You girls were great out there." said one of the voices

"Oh no." said Maire, as Clara, Hadley, and Nora turned around to see that Jill Roord, Vivianne and Danielle Van De Donk were standing right behind them.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me, what are you girls doing here?" said Nora, as she growled at Jill Roord, Vivianne and Danielle Van De Donk.

"Easy, Nora." said Clara, as she tells Nora in a low voice, and later turns to Jill Roord, Vivianne and Danielle Van De Donk. "What are you girls doing here, anyways?"

"We were watching our U-20 girls play on the field." said Jill Roord, as she admitted to them.

"Yeah, and give them support too." said Vivianne

"That, and we were also watching you girls play as well." said Danielle Van De Donk, as she smiles at them.

However, after seeing Nora's stink eye, Danielle Van Donk's smile fades.

"Anyways, about the video..." said Danielle Van De Donk, as she looked at Maire. "I just wanted to apologize for uploading the video on social media."

"Yeah, we tried our best to take it down-" said Vivianne

"But, it was too late." said Jill Roord, as she finished Vivianne's sentence.

"Alright! That's it!" said Nora, as she started to charge at Jill Roord, Vivianne and Danielle Van De Donk.

Just then, Tobin, Christen, Carli, Lynn, and Crystal arrive, after watching the girls form a circle after Nora starts to charge at Jill Roord, Vivianne and Danielle Van De Donk.

"Hey, hey! Break it up!" said Carli, as she yells at Nora and the girls. "Break it up! Break it up!"

Tobin and Lynn started to hold Nora back, while Christen and Carli were holding Clara back as well. Maire was in the middle of both groups, as Hadley and Sabrina were helping push back both Clara and Nora.

"What's the matter with you girls?" said Christen, as she and Carli were holding onto Clara.

"Thanks to Jill Roord, Vivianne and Danielle Van De Donk's post, in which Zero falls into the cold ice water, Zero was grounded for a whole year!" said Nora, as she tried to move her way through both Christen and Carli.

"Hey, it's not our fault!" said Danielle Van De Donk, as she snapped at Nora.

"Of course it is!" said Nora, as she snaps back at Danielle Van De Donk and growls.

"Aright, alright! Argh!" said Tobin, as she grabs onto Nora while trying to push her away and later back at Danielle Van De Donk.

Maire sighs, as she looks at both groups, and later at Jill Roord, Vivianne and Danielle Van De Donk. Maire walks towards Jill Roord, Vivianne and Danielle Van De Donk.

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