Chapter 23

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Meanwhile that same day, Maire is in the tennis courts along with Axel watching Nora, Sabrina, Hadley, and Clara play soccer. Maire was sitting down on a bench, while Axel was sitting beside it.

"It's hard for me to see both my former teammates, and my new teammates prank each other, even though I can't tell them to stop." said Maire, as she looks at Axel, who looks at her back.

Clara, who was looking at Maire talking to them, signals at her.

"Maire, come play with us!" said Clara, as she tells Maire.

"Thanks, but, I'd rather play until another player joins in." Maire said to Clara. "Either way, if I join you girls, it won't be equal."

"Okay, suit yourself!" said Clara, as she started to play again.

Maire then sighs, as Axel lied beside the bench that she was on.

"Hey, do you want to play fetch?" said Maire, as she told Axel, who lifted his head up, and was hearing people coming their way from their direction. "What's wrong?"

Just then, while Nora, Sabrina, Hadley, and Clara were playing soccer tennis, Carli along with Christen, Lynn, Rose, and Andi, then entered the same tennis court that the girls were playing in.

Maire then smiled and waved at Carli, Christen, Lynn, Rose, and Andi, as they were walking towards her.

"Hey Maire." said Christen, as she smiled and waved back, along with Rose.

"Hey, Five." said Lynn, as she waved at Maire and at Nora, Sabrina, Hadley, and Clara.

"Hey, girls!" said Carli, as she smiles at Nora, Sabrina, Hadley, and Clara. "Is it okay, if we could play with you girls?"

"Great idea Carli." said Christen, as she smiles at Carli.

"Yeah, 5 on 5, it'll be fun!" said Rose, cheerfully.

"What do you think, Nora?" said Clara, as she asked Nora.

"What do you mean what do I think?" said Nora, as she walks close to halfcourt, along with Clara, Hadley, and Sabrina.

"Well, you sort of have beef with them." said Hadley, as she tells Nora in a low voice.

"Yeah, with Kelley, because she's the true mastermind behind the prank war." said Nora, as she looked at Hadley. "I don't have a beef with Carli, Christen, Lynn, Rose, and Andi, or any of the other girls from the USWNT. Just with Kelley."

"Ahem." said Lynn, as she tells Nora, Sabrina, Hadley, and Clara. "So, are we going to play or what?"

Nora, Sabrina, Hadley, and Clara, looked at one another, smiled, and nodded.

"Zero! Get your butt over here!" said Nora, as she called to Maire, who stood up from her seat and walked over to them. "We're going to play 5 on 5."

"Yeah, the U-20 girls team, against the USWNT!" said Clara, cheerfully.

Carli, Christen, Lynn, Rose, and Andi, started to walk on their side of the court, as Maire, Clara, and Hadley, walked to the side of the court that both Nora and Sabrina were at.

"Okay, since you girls' are our guest, you start off first!" said Nora, as she tosses the ball to Carli, who catches it.

"Mano!" said Rose, as she calls out to Nora.

"Hey, that doesn't count!" said Hadley, as she tells Rose. "The game hasn't even started yet!"

"True!" said Maire

"Yeah, that and we still haven't even decided on whether it's a practice game?" said Andi, as she looked at the girls around her.

"Let's have a practice game," said Carli, as she tells the girls. "Either way, it's just for fun."

After Carli said that, all of the girls agreed with her.

"Rose." said Carli, as she passed the ball to Rose.

Rose then kicks the ball over the net, in which Clara kicks it back over to them. Christen then gets the ball and juggles it over to Andi, who kicks it over.

"I got it!" said Nora, as she kicks the ball by the tip of her shoe, which hits Maire behind her back.

"Ouch!" said Maire, as she touches her back with her right hand.

"Whoops, sorry Zero!" said Nora, as she apologies to Maire.

"It's okay." said Maire, as she tells Nora, who rubs her back.

"No offense, Nora. But, I think you're better at goalkeeping than being a forward." said Hadley, as she joked.

"Are you okay?" said Carli, as she asked Maire, who gets the ball from outside of the court. "Do you need to take a break?"
"No thank you, I'm good." said Maire, as she passes the ball to Andi. "It's your girls' ball. The ball bounced out after it hit me."

After Maire walked back to the tennis court that they were playing on, Andi then kicked the ball over towards them.

"Maire, get it! It's in your area!" said Clara, as she tells Maire, who kicks the ball towards Clara.

"Clara, it's your turn!" said Maire, as she tells Clara.

"Sabrina!" said Clara, as she kicks it from her heel and towards Sabrina.

"Got it!" said Sabrina, as she kicked the ball over the net.

"Lynn!" said Rose

"On it!" said Lynn, as she passed the ball to Christen. "Christen!"

"Carli!" said Christen, as she passed the ball to Carli.

"Rose!" said Carli, as she passed the ball to Rose, who kicked it over the net.

"Hadley!" said Nora, as she called out to Hadley.

"I got it!" said Hadley, as she kicked the ball over the net.

Andi then hits the ball with her head, which goes over the net.

"Nora!" said Clara, Hadley, and Sabrina, all at once.

"Zero, watch out! I'm sure this one will hurt more than the other one!" said Nora, as she tells Maire, who dodges Nora's kick.

"Woah!" said Maire, as she called out. "That one, was a close one!"

As the girls were still playing, Coach Sloan who was looking at the girls play from faraway, doesn't say anything and just watches them. After watching them for a couple of minutes, Coach Sloan then walks away, with a grunt.

However, a few minutes later... 

Both teams were taking a break.

"I can't believe we haven't scored anything yet." said Carli, as she looks at Christen, Lynn, Rose, and Andi.

"Yeah, can you believe it?" said Christen, as she looked at the girls. "We're still tied."

Just then, Brynn was running towards them

"Girls! Girls!" said Brynn, as she called out to Nora, Sabrina, Hadley, Clara, and Maire. "Coach Sloan is looking for the 5 of you! Like right now! She's in the meeting room!"

After saying that to Nora, Sabrina, Hadley, Clara, and Maire, Brynn then walks close to Clara.

"And she's not happy!" said Brynn, as she tells them in a low voice.

"Come on girls, you heard her, let's go!" said Clara, as she tells Nora, Sabrina, Hadley, and Maire.

"Let's go, bud!" said Maire, as she signals to Axel, who runs alongside her.

As Maire, Clara, Nora, Hadley, and Sabrina, along with Axel and Brynn left to the meeting room.

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