Chapter 19

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The next day, while the girls were putting their belongings inside of the travel bus, the girls were lined up in order to get inside of the bus.

Brittany was the first one inside of the bus, due to her jersey number and because she always wanted to be the first one in line.

"Hurry up Brittany! Just pick a seat already, you're holding up the line!" said Nora, as she called out to Brittnay, who was trying to pick a seat to sit on.

Nora was one of the last few girls who were still outside of the bus, in the pick up zone of the driveway.

"Don't rush me." said Brittany, as she tells Nora, since the windows from the travel bus were open.

Nora then does an angry pout.

"Unbelievable." said Nora, as she looks at Clara. "Hey, where's Zero?"

Clara was behind Nora.

"Oh, her father is going to take her in his SUV," said Clara, as she tells Nora.

"Lucky." said Nora, as she crossed her arms.

"Wait, why is her father taking her?" said Khole, as she asked Clara.

"Because, Coach Sloan didn't want Axel to ride on the bus with us." said Clara, as she explains to the girls. "Maire, thought it was best to just take a different ride, towards our camp."

After looking at both Clara and Khole, Nora then turns to the windows of the travel bus.

"Brittany Clark! Don't make me come up there!" said Nora, as she yelled at Brittany.

"I already picked a seat, the line is already moving!" said Brittany, as she looks at Nora from the inside of the middle row of the bus.

"Finally." said Nora, as she made a sigh of relief while also seeing that the line was finally moving.

After all of the girls entered the travel bus, the bus then left their training facility and on to their camp destination. During the girls trip to their destination, the girls then start to sing inside of the bus.

Khole, who was seated behind Coach Sloan, then looks at her.

"Come on, Coach Sloan. Sing with us, it's fun, and it'll make the trip go way faster." said Khole, as she tells Coach Sloan.

"Thanks, but I don't sing." said Coach Sloan, as she grunts without looking at Khole.

"Oh come on, Coach Sloan." said Khole, as she begged.

"Lee, if you're trying to get me to sing, I'm warning you, that if you do that then I'm going to make you girls run after this trip." said Coach Sloan, as Khole stopped begging her to sing and just sat on the seat quietly.

After a few hours later, the girls finally arrive at their destination.

As the girls were walking inside of the lobby, along with their stuff, Coach Sloan then tells the girls that they are going to be grouped in, in groups of five. After getting their room keys, the girls then finally go to their rooms.

"Great, this is just great." said Nora, as she tells Clara, Maire, Hadley, and Sabrina, who were all grouped together by Coach Sloan. "Coach what's her face, put five girls inside of a room, with only two beds, and a mut!"

"Nora." said Maire, as she tells Nora.

"What, Zero it's true." said Nora, as she tells Maire.

"No, I mean, there's like literally two desk chairs and one sofa on the side of the room." said Maire, as she explains to them. "I'm sure we can work something out."

"I call the sofa!" said Clara

"I call the desk chairs!" said Maire

"And I call the carpet!" said Nora

Nora then looks at Axel.

"You're going to sleep outside." said Nora, as she tells Axel, while pointing at the sliding doors.

"Um, Nora." said Hadley, as she looks at Nora and the other girls. "I brought an inflatable bed."

"I call the bed, next to the sliding door!" said Nora, as she jumped on top of the bed, which was right next to the sliding door.

"And Axel calls the carpet." said Maire, as she chuckled.

"Fine, he can stay inside," said Nora, as she looked at Maire. "But, he better not chew on my slippers!"

The girls then laughed after Nora said that.

"Don't worry, he won't." said Maire, as she tells Nora.

After leaving their stuff in their rooms, Maire, Clara, Hadley, Nora, Sabrina, along with Axel head out of their room to check the camp out, while doing so they then notice that they are sharing the camp along with the USWNT, since the camp is separated into two lobbies.

"Girls aren't this great!" said Khole, as she squealed loud with joy like a little girl. "We're going to share the camp with the seniors team, a.k.a the legendary USWNT! I can't wait! Eeee!"

"Woah, woah there Khole." said Nora, as she tells Khole, who stopped squealing. "You need to bring your hyped mood down a bit, before I do."

"Sorry, I'm just so excited!" said Khole, as she clapped.

Khole then looks at Nora.

"Wait, aren't you girls excited?" said Khole, as she pointed at Nora, Clara, Maire, and Hadley.

"Of course we are." said Nora, as she tells Khole. "We're just keeping it cool, while others are keeping it out."

"Nora, no offense, but to be honest, but you don't look happy or excited." said Khole, as she tells Nora.

"That's because I know that the happiness and cheerfulness isn't going to last at least a minute." said Nora, as she admits to Khole.

Khole then chuckles.

"Oh please, Nora. I'm sure Coach Sloan isn't going to do anything." said Khole, as she tells Nora.

After a few hours later, Coach Sloan then tells the girls to gear up, since they are going to practice, since they skip their morning practice.

"We spoke too soon." said Nora, as she tells the other girls, while walking into the hallway.

Nora then looks at Khole.

"What did I tell you Khole, what did I tell you Khole." said Nora, as she mocked Khole, with an angry pout.

"Shut-up." said Khole, as she tells Nora.

As the girls were all dressed up, Coach Sloan then ordered the girls to run around the camp, even though it was dark outside. The girls then started to run outside from inside of the camp's lobby towards the indoor soccer field and back.

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