Chapter 35

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The next day, as Maire was walking in the hallway along with Axel...

"I just can't keep this secret any longer, bud." said Maire, as she tells Axel. "I have to tell somebody about this."

While walking Maire then starts to limp to her dormitory room. Later that same day, while in her dormitory room, and while talking to Sabrina, Maire gets a text message from Clara telling her to meet her in the meeting room.

"I have to go, Clara just texted me, and she wants me to meet her in the meeting room." said Maire, as she tells Sabrina.

"Oh, well do you want me to come with you?" said Sabrina, as she asked Maire.

"Um, no thanks. It's best for you to stay here." said Maire, as she tells Sabrina. "Either way, Coach Sloan's hard practices always drain our battery."

"True." said Sabrina, as she agrees with Maire.

"Yeah, so see you later." said Maire, as she tells Sabrina and later looks at Axel. "Let's go, bud."

"See ya." said Sabrina

Maire leaves along with Axel to the meeting room.

While arriving at the meeting room, Maire finds that Clara, Hadley, and Nora were standing in the middle of the room.

"Wait, Clara, I thought you wanted to talk to me alone?" said Maire, as she gave Clara a confused look.

"I did." said Clara, in a serious tone, while crossing her arms.

"Then why is Hadley and Nora here?" said Maire, as she asked Clara.

"Because, we know your secret." said Nora, as she crosses both of her arms.

"What secret? What are you girls talking about?" said Maire, as she asked the girls.

Just then Tobin enters the room.

"We know your secret Maire, the one about your injury." said Tobin, in a serious tone, while not taking her eyes off Maire. "I heard your conversation with Axel the other day. Now, lift up the left side of your sweatpants."

"My injury? What injury?" said Maire, as she lies and tries to deny Tobin's claims.

"Maire." said Both Clara and Tobin, as they tell Maire, not buying what she said.

"No offense, Maire. But if you don't cooperate with us..." said Tobin, as she continues. "I'm afraid that I have to inform Coach Sloan."

Maire finally lifts up her left sweatpants to them. Clara, Hadley, Nora, and Tobin all gasped, after seeing Maire's bruise that was still purple.

"Woah!-" said Tobin, before she was cut off by Nora.

"Oh!-" said Nora, before she was cut off by Clara.

"My!-" said Clara, before she was cut off by Hadley.

"Goodness!-" said Hadley, before she was cut off by Nora.

"That's the ugliest bruise I've ever seen!" said Nora, as she exaggerated.

"Nora!" said Clara, Hadley, and Tobin, as they all glared at Nora.

"What? We were all thinking about it!" said Nora, as she looked at all of them, with her hands in the air.

The girls, along with Nora, looked back at Maire.

"Tobin, either way if you tell Coach Sloan about my injury, it still wouldn't matter." said Maire, as she admits to Tobin, Clara, Hadley, and Nora. "A few days ago, after feeling the pain of my knee injury getting worse, I finally decided to tell Coach Sloan about it. I'm sorry girls, but after I told Coach Sloan about my injury, she didn't seem to care about me being injured or not!"

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