Chapter 25

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The next day, during the team's morning practice...

Coach Sloan was mad at the team and was yelling at Maire for not taking an easy open shot, from where she was standing.

"See, I told ya." said Nora, as she whispered to Khole, who was standing right next to her.

"Yup." said Khole, as she whispers back at Nora, as she agrees with her.

Maire then sighs and looks at Coach Sloan.

"Coach Sloan, everyone deserves to shoot an open clear goal." said Maire

"You aren't allowed to talk to me back, because you aren't a captain of this team." said Coach Sloan, as she angrily tells Maire. "That, and you can't just change our plays!"

"It was a perfect shot!" said Maire, as she explained to Coach Sloan.

"Silence!" said Coach Sloan, as she scolds Maire. "Due to what you did on the field yesterday, you're going to run around the whole camp! In which maybe this will teach you a lesson of not to talk back to your Coach!"

"But, I wasn't even yelling at you?" said Maire, as she questioned Coach Sloan.

"JUST GO, HERNANDEZ!" yelled Coach Sloan, as she pointed her finger towards the other side of the field.

Maire then starts to run around the whole camp, along with Axel following her.

"I can't believe this, just because I decided to pass the ball to Brittany, and help her score her first goal, Coach Sloan is making me run around the whole camp, just for that?" said Maire, as she tells Axel. "Can you believe this, bud?"

Meanwhile, as the whole USWNT team were heading onto their practice field...

"Can you girls believe that the camp staff still haven't taken off the plastic wrap from the doorway." said Allie, as she tells the girls.

"Yeah, according to the staff, they are having trouble trying to at least rip it open." said Tobin, as she tells the girls.

"Who was the girl that did that from the U-20 team?" said Andi, as she asked Tobin.

"According to Kelley, it was Nora," said Tobin, as she admits to Andi.

"You mean that one tall girl that was loaned to us as a goalie." said Andi, as she asked Tobin.

"Yup, that's the one." said Tobin

"What did she even use, extra strength glue?" said Tirena, as she asked the girls, who all shrugged.

"I don't know, to be honest." said Tobin, as she tells Tirena.

Allie, who notices that a girl is running around the gates of the camp, then looks at Tobin, Andi, and at Tirena.

"Hey look at that!" said Allie, as she pointed at the girl, who was running far away from them.

"Who is it?" said Tirena, as she questions Allie.

"I don't know." said Allie, as she tells Tirena, as she starts to worry. "But, it looks like she's being chased by that dog!"

"Allie, she's not being chased by the dog, she's running alongside it." said Tobin, as she tells Allie, after seeing the girl and the dog running closer. "Wait, is that... Is that Five?"

After Allie, Tirena, and Andi, recognized Maire they then made a confused look.

"Wait, why is she running?" said Allie, as she questioned the girls.

"I don't know, but do you want to go and check it out?" said Tobin, as she asked Allie.

"Yeah, let's." said Allie, as she and Tobin ran towards Maire.

Meanwhile Maire, who sees both Allie and Tobin running her way, then gives them a confused look, as she starts to jog.

"Hey, Five." said Tobin, as she and Allie had caught up to Maire. "Why are you running?"

"I got in trouble." said Maire, as she admits to both Allie and Tobin, who were surprised. "Anyways, I have to go, and run the rest of the camp."

Maire then sprints away from both Allie and Tobin, before they can question her the reason of why she got in trouble. Both Allie and Tobin, stopped jogging behind Maire and ran back to where both Andi and Tirena were at.

"So?" said Andi, as she questions both Allie and Tobin. "What happened? What did she tell you girls?"

"Well, Tobin did ask her..." said Allie as she told them. "In which Maire told her that the reason why she is running is because she got in trouble."

"Huh, why?" said Andi, as she and Tirena gave them a confused look.

"She didn't say." said Allie, as she tells them. "She sprinted away from us, before we could ask."

"That's odd." said Tirena, as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yup." said Tobin, as she mumbled.

"Come on, girls!" said Juile, as she called out to Tobin, Allie, Tirena, and Andi. "Coach Jill, is going to start practice already!"

After practice, the U-20 girls then head to their locker room.

Meanwhile, Kelley uses 24 cans of string spray on the U–20 girls' dormitory hallway, along with Lindsey, Emily, Kristie, and Megan. After getting the job done, the girls then leave.

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