Chapter 32

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The next day, after practice...

Both Clara and Maire are hanging out by the tennis courts.

"So, what you're telling me, is that Tobin wanted to dogsit Axel for you, while you're at practice and playing in your soccer games?" said Clara, as she questions Maire. "What made you agree, with Tobin?"

"Yup." said Maire, as she tells Clara. "Both Tobin and Axel did the puppy eyes, in which I am pretty sure that Tobin taught him that trick."

"Oh yeah, The Great Puppy Eyes!" said Clara, as she joked around. "No parent or person can ever resist those. Especially if they are from your own puppy and your former teammate."

"Yeah." said Maire, as she chuckled.

While looking at Maire, Clara's smile then fades away.

"So, uh, Maire..." said Clara, as she continued. "After you were subbed out from yesterday's game against Spain's U-20 girls, like why... why were you limping?"

"Oh, that." said Maire, as she tries to act cool. "That was because of a little take down. But, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" said Clara, as she asked Maire, while giving her a worried look.

"Yeah, I'm just tired and sore from our practices. That's all." said Maire, as she tells Clara.

Before Clara can ask Maire another question she then gets a call from Nora, as Maire gets a call from Jace.

"We'll talk later." said Clara, as she tells Maire, while answering Nora's call. "Yes, Nora?"

Maire nodds at Clara before answering Jace's call.

"Hey Jace?" said Maire, as she tells Jace, while walking away from Clara.

"Hey Five." said Jace, as he tells Maire. "How have you been?"

"Good." said Maire, as she lies to Jace.

"Are you sure?" said Jace, as he questions Maire.

"Yes." said Maire, as she tells Jace. "Why?"

"Oh, it's just that, I've been worried about you, since we haven't been talking lately." said Jace, as he tells Maire. "And I just wanted to know if you're alright."

"Yeah, don't worry Jace, I'm fine." said Maire, as she tells Jace through the phone. "There is nothing to worry about."

"Five listen, you know I love you right?" said Jace, through the phone.

"Yes, I know, Jace." said Maire, as she tells Jace. "In which, you also know that I love you too."

"Yeah, I know." said Jace, through the phone. "But, either way, I'm planning on seeing you play on the field."

"Really?" said Maire, as she tells Jace.

"Yeah, well that's the thing, I don't know when. But, I hope it's soon." said Jace, as he tells Maire through the phone.

While talking, Jace admits to Maire that he misses her, Maire also admits to Jace that she misses him as well. After talking both Maire and Jace hang up on the call, Maire then walks towards the direction of the lobby, in order to pick up Axel from Tobin.

As Maire walks, she then hears someone walking her way, and sees that it's Christen and Mal.

"Hey, Maire, wait up!" said Mal, as she and Christen speed walked their way towards Maire.

Maire seeing that both Mal and Christen were catching up to her, she stops walking and waits for them.

"Oh, hey girls. What's up?" said Maire, as she asked them.

"Oh, nothing, just the usual." said Mal, as she tells Maire.

"So, are you on your way to pick up Axel?" said Christen, as she asked Maire.

"Yeah, I was actually going there." said Maire, as she chuckles at them.

"Figured." said Christen, as she chuckles as well.

"So..." said Mal, as she continued. "How are you doing?"

"Good, I'm doing quite fine actually." said Maire, as she lies to them.

"Are you sure?" said Christen, as she asked Maire while giving her a confused look.

"Yeah, why?" said Maire, as she questioned Christen.

"Oh nothing, I was just asking." said Christen, as she tells Maire.

"Well, okay then." said Maire, as she tells Christen. "Well, I have to get going, and pick up Axel. See you girls later."

"Sure, thing." said Christen, as she does a small upset wave.

Maire waves at both Christen and Mal while walking away from them.

"You see, Christen. She's fine." said Mal, as she later turns to Christen. "You have nothing to worry about."

"I don't know about that Mal." said Christen, as she admits to Mal. "I feel that Maire's lying."

"How do you know that?" said Mal, as she questioned Christen.

"Well, because..." said Christen, as she started to explain to Mal.

Meanwhile, after walking away, Maire starts to limp a little, but manages to walk normally, so that Christen and Mal or any of the other girls, wouldn't see that she's hurt. Maire goes and picks up Axel from Tobin.

Later that same day...

While Maire was in her dormitory room, along with Axel and Sabrina. Sabrina then looks at Maire.

"Hey, are you alright?" said Sabrina, as she asked Maire.

"Grr! What is up with everyone today?!" said Maire, as she exclaims, while looking at Sabrina. "Why are you girls always asking me the same question!"

After Maire said that, she then looks at a startled Sabrina.

Maire then sighs.

"I'm, I'm so sorry, Sabrina. I didn't mean to startle you. It's just that..." said Maire, as she apologized to Sabrina. "I've been having a really rough day today."

"So, I've heard." said Sabrina, as she looks at Maire and sits on one of the desk chairs across from her. "I'm sorry if I asked, I just wanted to see if you were alright."

"Well... I'm fine. I'm just tired, that's all." said Maire, as she tells Sabrina. "It's just that Coach Sloan's hard practices and plays aren't helping us at all."

"Yeah, I know..." said Sabrina, as she agreed with Maire. "It's a total pain."

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