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Hey guys, thank you so much for reading Goal!: The Third Chapter! And voting for it!🙂

I hope that you guys liked the story! And sorry if there were any missed spelling, or grammar errors, I just wanted to get the story done.😅

I already made my 4th Goal! Story! However, I'm working on some other stories as well, not just Goal!🙂

Right below, I have a sneak peak of the forth part of Goal! —

So please, enjoy 😊😉


The bottle then lands on Maire.

"Five, I dare you to kiss either Three or Tobin!" said Nora, as she quickly calls out without hesitation.

Maire, along with everyone in the room turns to Nora, who smirks.

"WHAT?!" yelled Maire, who took it by surprise, before snapping at Nora. "Are you out of your mind?! There's no way that I'll kiss either one of them!"

"Hey, you said you wanted to play." said Nora, as she admits to Maire. "So, I picked a dare for you."

"What are you trying to do?!" said Maire as she raised her voice at Nora.

"Hey, look I already picked a dare for you." said Nora as she tells her. "Whether you like it or not, you're going to have to do it."

Maire then sighs, annoyed, after hearing Nora say those words.

"Take your pick, your best friend." said Nora, with a sinister smirk. "Or your friend."

Three and Tobin both looked at each other feeling nervous of Maire's decision, before looking back at her.

"Five, it's just a game." said Tobin, as she admits to Maire.

"Yeah, we know it's just a game." said Three, as he agrees with Tobin, while looking at Maire.

After looking at both Three and Tobin, Maire then turns to Nora, who was counting.

"Who would you choose, Three or Tobin?" said Nora, as she asked Maire.

Maire turned to the person next to her, and kissed the person. The room fell quiet, and everyone was shocked by her decision. Maire, after realizing what she did, rolled out of the room, embarrassed.

"Wait, Five!" said Tobin, as she stood up from her spot, and followed Maire from behind. "Wait up, Five! Five wait!"

After Maire and Tobin had left the room, a speechless Clara, Nora, and Three looked at Jace who was also in shock as well.


"We, were playing a game of Truth or Dare, along with playing spin the bottle, and...-" said Clara, as she admits to Christen, Lynn, Allie, Kelley, Emily, Becky, and Lindsey, who arrived a few minutes later after hearing yells coming from the room.

"And, what?" said Christen, as she questions Clara.

"And-" said Clara, before she was cut off by Nora.

"Maire kissed Tobin!" said Nora, as she lies to them. "And Jace is shock because of it! Sadly he had to watch the whole thing!"

"WHAT?!" yelled Christen, Lynn, Allie, Kelley, Emily, Becky, and Lindsey, while dropping their mouths open.

Once again, thank you for reading!🙂

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