Chapter 37

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The next day, during the team's day-off, Maire is in an ice bath inside of the locker room, after being told by both Dawn and Carli to do so. Maire is in the locker room along with Clara inside of the locker room along with Axel, Khole, and Nora as well.

"Is that cold?" said Khole, as she asked Maire while looking at her.

"Yes, very cold." said Maire, as she tells Khole while she is chattering her teeth.

"Well, obviously it's cold, Khole." said Nora, as she mocks Khole. "I mean, either way an ice bath like this is basically the same temperature, like the time that Zero fell inside of the ice water last year, hold on the past year."

"Nora." said Clara, as she snapped at Nora.

"What, it's the truth, poor Zero was shaking like a little chihuahua." said Nora

"Gee, thanks for reminding me." said Maire, as she joked.

"Hey, aren't you scared of water?" said Nora, as she asked Nora.

"No." said Maire, as she tells Nora.

"Oh, well okay then. Whatever you say." said Nora, as she looks at Maire and chuckles. "Heh, I'm really surprised that they didn't call you The Solid Ice Princess, or the Princess of Ice Baths, or even the Princess of Thin Ice."

"Nora." said Clara, as she tells Nora.

"What, can't I take a joke?" said Nora, as she questions Clara.

"So, how long are you going to take?" said Khole, as she asked Maire.

"A few minutes," said Maire, as she tells Khole. "Few minutes today, and a few minutes tomorrow."

"Yeah, because you don't want to get cold feet. Get it!" said Nora, as she laughed. "Okay, now you have to admit, that joke was kinda funny."

Meanwhile, a few minutes later...

"Girls, I have to admit, being subbed in as a forward isn't an easy job. It's a lot harder than I thought." said Nora, as she admitted to the girls. "I'm used to being a full on goalkeeper, but a forward. That's not me right there."

"Yup, that's true." said Clara, as she tells Nora. "But, I gotta hand it to you Nora, being a goalkeeper isn't an easy job either."

"Yup." said Nora, as she and the girls agreed with one another.

"Okay, okay, I have my doubts." said Khole, as she tells the girls.

"About?" said Clara, Maire, and Nora, who all raised an eyebrow at Khole.

"The ice bath." said Khole, as she tells them. "I've never tried one before."

Khole then looks at Maire.

"Hey, is it okay if I can test how cold it is?" said Khole, as she asked Maire.

"Uh, sure," said Maire, as she tells Khole.

Khole then puts her hand inside of the ice bath, and starts to yell.

"YEESH! That's cold!" said Khole, as she squealed much to everyone's laughter.

"Well, woman! What did you expect?" said Nora, as she asked Khole. "See I told you that it was going to be cold. But you didn't listen to me."

"Well, duh. I wanted to see it for myself!" said Khole, as she tells Nora.

"Well, to be honest..." said Nora, as she also put her hand inside of the cold water. "It's not even that cold, for me."

After Nora tells Khole that it isn't that cold, Clara then puts two ice cubes inside of Nora's shirt, in which Nora starts to dance around trying to shake them out Maire and Khole start to laugh, as Axel starts to bark.

"CLARA!" yelled an angry Nora, as she finally took out the two ice cubes from the back of her shirt. "Why, you little! You're going to pay for that!"

"Cash, or credit?" said Clara, as she joked.

"With my fist!" said Nora, as she yelled at Clara.

"Uh oh." said Maire, Clara, and Khole, as they all looked at an angry Nora.

"Run!" said Maire, as she yelled at Clara. "Run, Clara! Run!"

"Yip! You don't need to tell me twice!" said Clara, as Nora started to chase her around the locker room and out of it too.

"Clara, you're a goner!" said Khole, as she joked.

Just then Hadley and Sabrina enter the ice bath room, laughing.

"Let me guess, Clara pulled a prank on Nora?" said Hadley, as she asked both Khole and Maire.

"Uh huh." said both Khole and Maire, as they joked.

After hearing that from both Khole and Maire, both Hadley and Sabrina started to laugh.

"Ah, classic Clara and Nora." said Khole, as she wiped a fake tear from the lower of her eye.

"Yeah, well anyways, we have some good news!" said Sabrina, cheerfully. "Reese, is finally healed! And she is going to play along with us in our next upcoming games!"

"Isn't that great!" said Hadley, cheerfully as well.

"Uh, YEAH IT IS!" said Khole, as she yelled cheerfully.

"Girls, that's better than great, it's awesome!" said Maire, cheerfully.

"I know right!" said Sabrina, as she looked around the girls.

"Girls, I literally can't wait for our next few games that we have left!" said Khole, as she squealed like a 5-year old girl. "We're almost done with the season!"

"I know right, we're almost done with the season." said Maire, as she tells the girls. "And I can't wait to finally finish what we started."

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