Chapter 42

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The next day, during practice the U-20 girls are sharing the same field with the USWNT. The U-20 girls have the right side of the field, while the USWNT have the right side of the field. While the girls are practicing, Maire is still wearing the clear face shield, Coach Sloan then tells Maire that she doesn't need it and tells her to take it off, in which she does much to Maire's dismay.

"Alright ladies, Penalty Kicks! So, get going!" said Coach Sloan, as she blew her whistle.

The girls then grabbed two soccer balls from the ball bag, and started to shoot them into the goal area, with Nora and Alaia being the goalies.

As the girls were practicing their penalty kicks, Maire is then hit with a ball on the side of her face, which causes Maire's nose to bleed again due to the hit that she took from the ball.

"Dang it!" said Maire, as she rubs her nose. "Not again."

"Coach Sloan, Maire has a nosebleed!" said Brynn, as she looked at Coach Sloan who shrugged while turning away.

Brynn then started to walk towards Coach Sloan, while she was calling her.

"Here, let me see it." said Clara, as Nora, Khole, and Sabrina were walking towards Maire.

Maire then removes her hand from her nose.

"Ooh." said Nora

"Right, where Nora hit you the other day." said Sabrina, as she tells Maire.

"Yup," said Maire, as she looked at them. "And it's hurting too."

"I'm going to get some paper towels." said Clara, as she was about to take a few steps away from them, but was stopped by Coach Sloan.

"HERNANDEZ!" yelled Coach Sloan, at Maire while walking towards her.

"Oh no." said Sabrina, as she and the girls looked at an angry Coach Sloan, walking towards them.

"Now what?" said Nora, as she crossed her arms.

As Coach Sloan stood next to Maire, she then yelled at Maire for not having her clear face shield on.

"You should've been more careful!" said Coach Sloan, in an angry tone of voice.

"It wasn't my fault! You told me to take off my clear face shield." said Maire, as she defended herself from Coach Sloan.

"Don't blame me for what happened to you! I gave you a choice, whether to take it off, or leave it on. You, however, made a poor choice in taking it off in the first place!" said Coach Sloan, as she yells at Maire, while denying that she did tell Maire to take off her clear face shield. "The ball was coming straight towards you, and you didn't even see it."

"It wasn't my fault, I was so focused on the penalty goal that I was distracted." said Maire, as she tells them.

"Oh please, it's not like the ball came out of nowhere." said Coach Sloan, as she tells them.

"Uh, Coach Sloan. The ball did come out of nowhere." said Khole, as she raises her finger up, while explaining to them.

"Actually, I just remembered something. The ball actually came from the half side of the field." said Coach Sloan, as she lied to the girls.

"What?!" said Nora, along with the other girls who were surprised as well.

"But, that can't be right. They would've come here to apologize if they did." said Maire, as she started to defend the USWNT. "I mean, if this was their ball, wouldn't they come for it?"

"Yeah." said Khole, as Clara, Sabrina, and the rest of the girls started to agree with Maire.

"Oh please, with so many soccer balls around them, they're too busy to notice." said Coach Sloan, as she brushes past Maire.

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