Chapter 38

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Four days later...

Maire who is recuperating from her knee injury is back on the practice field, along with her teammate Reese, who also recuperated from her injury as well.

"It's good to have you back Reese." said Maire, as she tells Reese.

"It's good to finally be back, Five." said Reese, as she tells Maire.

Just then, Coach Sloan then blows her whistle.

Meanwhile as both Maire and Clara were walking in the hallway, they saw that Alaia was asleep on one of the hallway chairs that was close to their dorm room.

"Coach Sloan, not only tires-out everyone, but also Alaia." said Clara, as she whispered to Maire. "According to Alaia she's never tired after practice, however now we both know it's a lie."

As both Clara and Maire walk past Alaia and walk around the corner of the hallway, they then hear a noise coming from behind. While the two girls turn around towards a sleeping Alaia, they see Kelley quietly sneaking next to Alaia, while holding a can of whip cream on her right hand, while holding the cap on the other.

"Kel- Mph!" said Maire, as Clara covers her mouth with her right hand, while looking at her.

"Shh!" said Clara, as she whispers to Maire. "Are you nuts, do you want to get Kelley killed? You do know that if we yell at Kelley, Alaia could wake up, and rat her out. You know what Alaia does to trespassers, especially right in the middle of a prank war!"

Maire moves Clara's hand away from her mouth.

"Good point." said Maire, as she looks at Clara while whispering. "But, what do you suppose we do? We can't just let Kelley prank Alaia."

"Yeah, I know but, -" said Clara, as she stopped whispering while looking back at Alaia, with Kelley being out of sight. "Hey, where's Kelley?"

Maire turns to see for her eyes as well. As the two girls looked at Alaia who was still sleeping, there was still no sign of Kelley.

"She was here a minute ago, where has she gone to?" said Maire, as she whispers to Clara while questioning her.

"I don't know, but we got to find out." said Clara, as she whispers to Maire. "Come on."

Both Clara and Maire quietly started to walk towards a sleeping Alaia. While looking around, both girls looked at the hallway that leads them to their dormitory rooms, while walking they then hear the sound of their room close.

"Clara, look!" said Maire, as she whispered to Clara, while pointing at the whip-cream's cap on the floor, in the front door of their dormitory room.

Maire picks up the whipcream's cap, while Clara knocks on the door. As their dormitory room door opens, both Maire and Clara are dragged inside by Hadley. Hadley then closes the door behind Maire and Clara, who are looking at Nora holding on to Kelley with her left hand on Kelley's mouth, while holding tight with the other. Sabrina was on the far corner next to one of the beds close to the sliding door, holding the can of whip cream.

"Keep your voices down." said Nora, as she tells Maire and Clara, and later looks at Kelley. "And, as for you, you better not yell, after I let go of you."

"Can someone please explain to me, what's going on here?" said Hadley, as she looks at the girls.

"Kelley over here, tried to kill herself by pranking Alaia, while she was sleeping on one of the hallway chairs." said Nora, as she explains to the girls, while putting Kelley down on the floor.

"Yeah, and lucky for her, we were there to stop her and bring her here." said Sabrina

"Yeah." said Nora, as she removes her hand from Kelley's mouth, but still keeps it close by, in case she begins to yell again.

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