Chapter 44

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The next day, while the girls were on the practice field...

"Alright, a deal is a deal!" said Nora, as she tells Coach Sloan, as she and the girls were looking at Coach Sloan.

"We won all of our soccer games, from our season! While still remaining in 1st place." said Clara, as she tells Coach Sloan, while also giving her their 1st place trophy.

Coach Sloan then looks at the girls, and raises up an eyebrow.

"Wait, so what I'm saying is... You girls are quitting on our deal?" said Coach Sloan, as she tells the girls.

"Quitting our deal? Oh please, we finished that deal, and won it fair and square!" said Nora

"Yeah!" said the girls, as they all agreed to Nora.

"Not to me it wasn't." said Coach Sloan, as she tells the girls.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" said Clara, as she asked Coach Sloan.

"What I'm talking about is, that I am extending our deal a little longer." said Coach Sloan, as she does a sinister chuckle, the same one that she gave Coach Jill.

"Wait, but that wasn't part of the plan!" said Clara, as she tells Coach Sloan angrily.

"Well, you see the plan has changed." said Coach Sloan, as she brings out a sinister smirk. "In which I decided to make it a little more interesting."

Before any of the girls could say anything, Coach Sloan then cut them off.

"Our deal isn't over yet, ladies." said Coach Sloan, as she tells them.

"Why?" said Nora, as she asked Coach Sloan.

"Because, due to all of you girls' unbeatable winning streak, I realized that you girls have more potential than I thought." said Coach Sloan, as she tells "Our final game is going to be against the USWNT."

"WHAT?!" yelled the girls in shock.

"But, but, playing against the USWNT wasn't part of our plan!" said Maire, as she tells Coach Sloan.

"Yeah, that doesn't count!" said Brynn, as she yelled out.

"Oh but it was part of our plan." said Coach Sloan, as she admits to the girls. "I was just keeping it as a secret from you."

"You're Crazy!" said Gia, as she yelled to Coach Sloan.

"All or nothing!" said Coach Sloan, as she tells the girls. "Winner takes all!"

"We're not interested." said Clara, as she and the rest of the girls crossed their arms.

"Hm, not interested huh." said Coach Sloan, as she tells them. "I'll tell you what, if we win, then I will make sure that Coach Jennifer can come back as your girl's coach, and I will quit soccer for once and for all.

After hearing that from Coach Sloan, the girls then agree to play against the USWNT (much to their dismay).

Later that same day...

Maire then goes out for a check-up at the hospital with Dawn. While at the hospital, the doctor then tells Maire that after checking to see if there are any cracks on her knee, he states that there aren't any.

"Well, that's a relief." said Dawn, as she tells them, while making a sigh of relief, while Maire smiles and nods her head.

"Yeah." said Maire

"Yes, but however, since there aren't any cracks on your left knee, you can play in your next game." said the doctor, as he tells Maire.

"That's great!" said Maire, cheerfully as she called out. "Oops, I said that out loud didn't I?"

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