Chapter 17

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The next day, during the afternoon, One goes to Maire's house, while knocking on the door, Maire then answers the door.

"Oh hey One, come on in." said Maire, as she greeted One.

"Hi Five, is your dad home?" said One, as he asked Maire.

"Yeah, he is. He's in his office." said Maire, as she tells One. "Come on in, and I'll let him know you're here."

"Thanks, Five." said One, as he walked inside of the house. "So... how's your second date with Jace going? I heard that it's your guy's first movie date as a couple."

"Yeah, we were going to watch the 5th movie of the Transformers." said Maire, as she tells One. "And it was going great, until there was a bit of a changeup in the first minutes of the movie."

"Let me guess, Jace doesn't like Transformers." said One, as he tells Maire.

"Oh no, he does. It's just that." said Maire, as she continued. "Well..."

As Maire and One walk into the living room, they then find Three singing along with Tangeld's ending song, while Jace was sitting on the edge of the sofa, with Axel wagging his tail while standing next to Three.

"Three?!" said One, as he yelled at Three, who turned and waved cheerfully at One who was surprised.

"Oh hey, One what's up?" said Three, as he began to sing along with the song.

After seeing Maire, Jace then stood up from his seat and walked over to both Maire and One.

"Hey One, good to see you again." said Jace, as he smiled at One, who smiled back at him.

"Hey, Jace." said One, as he tells Jace, who was trying to keep his cool while looking back at Three. "I heard the third wheel."

"No worries, It's fine." said Jace, as he tells One. "Either way, watching a different movie is also a good option."

"Yeah." said One, as he started to fake a smile.

"Maire, I have to go." said Jace, as he tells Maire. "My mother is already waiting for me outside of your house."

"Cool, then I'll walk you out to the driveway." said Maire, as she tells Jace. "I want to say hi to her."

"Sure," said Jace, as he smiled at Maire. "I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

"Anyways, be right back One." said Maire, as she tells One who small waves at both Jace and Maire.

"See you later, Jace." said One, as he waved goodbye to Jace.

Just then, after seeing Jace and Maire walking to the hallway and hearing the front door open and closed, One then walks towards Three and pulls him from his left ear.

"Ow! One! Ow ow ow!" said Three, as he started to yell.

"What are you doing here?" said One, as he asked Three.

"That hurts One!" said Three, as he cries.

"Well good, because it should." said One, as he tells Three, pulling his ear a little harder.   

"Ow!" said Three, as he grabbed One's hand that was pulling his ear. "What did I do?"

"You ruined Maire's first movie date with Jace!" said One, as he continued. "By being Three the Third Wheel!"

"What? No I didn't." said Three, as he groaned.

"Three!" said One, as he called Three's name out loud.

"Okay, okay." said Three, as he started to admit it. "But, I'm pretty sure that both Maire and Jace didn't mind and were okay with it."

"Oh please." said One, as he tells Three. "Maire is our friend, and I know that she wouldn't say anything to hurt you."

Meanwhile as Maire enters back into the house, One then stops pulling Three's ear. While walking into the living room and standing next to One and Three, Maire then gives Three a confused look, as he was rubbing his ear.

"Uh, are you okay?" said Maire, as she asked Three.

"Huh?" said Three, as he turned to Three. "Uh, yeah I'm okay."

Just then, Maire's father Diego comes out of the office room.

"One, just the guy I wanted to see." said Diego, as he smiled at One. "Come on, into the office. So that I can explain to you about my project. I just know you'll like it."

"Sure." said One, as he follows Diego into his office room. "See you later Maire."

"See ya." said Maire, as she tells One, who entered the room.

"Yeah, later." said Three, in a low voice.

Three later turns to Maire.

"I got to go too." said Three, as he went into the hallway and out of the front door, as Maire and Axel started to follow him.

While outside of the house, Maire then looks at Three.

"Hey, be honest with me, did One pull your ear?" said Maire, as she asked Three.

"What? Psh, no." said Three, as he lied to Maire.

"Three." said Maire, as she raised an eyebrow, and wasn't buying Three's answer.

"Okay, fine. He did." said Three, as he tells Maire. "He pulled my ear, because I ruined your first movie date with Jace."

"What?" said Maire, as she tells Three. "Oh come on, Three. You didn't ruin my movie date with Jace. We both know the true reason why we couldn't watch the 5th movie of Transformers."

"Because, the internet went out." said Three, as he tells Maire.

"Yeah, it's always the internet." said Maire, as she chuckled. "That and the streaming service had some technical issues, due to the internet."

"Truth." said Three, as he chuckled.

"Hey, look, since I am going to take trips out of state soon, for soccer..." said Maire, as she tells Three. "I promise to stay in touch with guys during my trips."

"Sure thing, I'll like that." said Three, as he smiled at Maire. 

The next day...

Maire and her teammates are on their training field, in which Coach Sloan tells the girls that they will be practicing without no distractions, and tells the girls that they will be practicing in an indoor soccer field much to the girls' dismay.

"Oh, that's not so bad." said Gia, as she tells the girls. "I mean look at the bright side, at least we won't have the sun in our eyes, as a distraction from not scoring some goals right. That and the sun won't be giving us sun burns, or hurt our eyes while we're trying to score a goal."

"Yeah, I agree with Gia." said Khole, as she agrees with Gia.

"Yeah, oh sure you're saying that now, because you're seeing the positive side of it." said Nora, as she tells Khole. "But, you're missing something, a teeny weeny little problem."

"What's that?" said Khole, as she asked Nora.

"We aren't going to see the U-20 boy's team walking out of their field, as we are leaving after practice." said Nora, as she jokes while telling Khole, with a puppy dog pout. "Or even get to talk to them, either."

"WHAT?!" yelled Khole, as she squealed.

"Any louder, Drama Queen." said Nora, as she tells Khole, while rubbing her ears.

"Girls, bad news! We won't be able to see the other players from the next field!" said Khole, as she whined to the other girls.

After Khole said that, the rest of the team started to whine, except for Maire.

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