Chapter 18

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The next day...

In the morning, the team started to practice inside of the indoor soccer field. And since the indoor soccer field could change its room temperature, Coach Sloan turns up the heat.

"Heh, is it me? Or is it getting hot in here?" said Rylee, as she tells the girls, while touching the top lining of her shirt.

"It's not just you, that and it is getting hot in here." said Emery, as she was standing next to Rylee, Nora, Addison, and Maire.

"True that." said Maire, as she agrees with them.

"Girls, if we don't do something about the indoor soccer temperature..." said Addison, as she tells the girls. "We're going to become An Tuirc inside of this indoor oven."

"Translation, twinkle toes." said Nora, as she tells Addison.

"We're going to become a turkey." said Addison, as she translated them the word An Tuirc.

"Oh, well that makes more sense." said Nora, as she joked. "Because, I'm already starting to feel like one, even though I'm not wearing a long sleeve shirt."

After finishing their three hours of practice, Coach Sloan then tells the girls that there are going to be some changes around the team, and tells the girls that they are going to be informed later on.

"Man, I'm glad that practice is over." said Maire, as she and the other girls head to their stuff.

Maire then looks at Axel, who was lying down on the floor and wagging his tail.

"It's time to leave bud." said Maire, as she tells Axel, who stood up from the floor.

As the girls try to leave along with their stuff, Coach Sloan then calls out to the girls.

"Where are you girls going? Practice isn't over yet, it's just barely getting started!" said Coach Sloan, as she tells the girls while surprising them.

"WHAT?!" yelled all of the girls at once.

"Yeah, to be honest you girls don't look that tired to me." said Coach Sloan, as she tells them. "So, we're going to the weight room right now, where you are going to lift some weights until you drop, or crawl out of the room."

The girls then head to the weight room, along with Coach Sloan. In where Coach Sloan has the girls do some weights, until they can't lift any more. After practice, Coach Sloan then tells the girls that they will leave tomorrow first thing in the morning, before leaving out of the room.

Moments later...

An exhausted Clara and Maire enter inside of Clara's car along with Axel who whines.

"Practice... sucks right now." said Clara, who was too exhausted to talk.

"Yup." said Maire, who was also too exhausted to talk as well.

While Clara, Maire, and Axel were resting inside of Clara's car, and before Clara could even start up her car, Kelley then scares them by tapping on their window.

"AH!" yelled both Clara and Maire, as they both jumped up, from the inside of the car.

Axel just looked out of the window and started to wag his tail, after seeing Kelley. Kelley was outside of the car laughing hysterically, as Lynn appeared along with Sam.  

"Jeez Maire, some guard dog you have." said Clara, she looks at Maire, while grunting.

"Sorry, but Axel is still a puppy." said Maire, as she tells Clara, as she groans.

Both Maire and Clara regain some strength. In which Clara then opens all four windows of her car, all the way down.

"Jeez Kelley, can you be even scarier?" said Clara, as she told Kelley, who just laughed.

"You girls should've seen your faces! You were so scared!" said Kelley, as she joked.

"We saw you girls jump up from the inside of your car," said Sam, as she chuckled.

"Yeah. What were you girls doing this late? Didn't practice end for you girls like 3 hours ago?" said Lynn, as she tells both Clara and Maire.

"Yeah." said both Clara and Maire, who were still tired.

"Yeah, then why are you girls still here? Don't you have to get your stuff ready for tomorrow's trip?" said Sam, as she asked the girls.

"Yeah." said Maire, as she tells them. "We were just re-gaining back our strength."

"Oh good." said Kelley, finally stopping laughing.

"How about you?" said Clara, as she asked the girls.

Kelley, Lynn, and Sam, that they are also going to leave for tomorrow's trip as well. After talking with Kelley, Lynn, and Sam for a little while, Clara, Maire, and Axel finally leave.

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