Chapter 22

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The next day, in the USWNT side of the lobby, Nora, Alaia, Brooklyn, Emery, Rylee, and Brynn, the prank the USWNT, by putting a thick layer of clear plastic wrap on the doorway, so that the team wouldn't enter the lounge room, since they are sharing one side along with their team.

After Nora, Alaia, Brooklyn, Emery, Rylee, and Brynn, were done they then left before the USWNT arrived. A few minutes later, the USWNT finally arrived outside of their lounge room, where they saw the plastic wrap on the doorway of the room.

"What is this?" said Carli, as she and the girls gave each other a confused look at each other.

"It looks like plastic wrap." said Juile

Kelley smirked.

"Seriously, that's the best prank that they can pull? Oh my, this is just way too good." said Kelley, as she walks in between both Carli and Becky. "Please, let me do the honors to rip it open."

Kelley tried to poke a whole through the plastic wrap, but since it was too thick, it was hard for her to poke a whole through it.

"Grr..." said Kelley, as she grunts.

"What's the matter Kelley? Are you having trouble?" said Carli, as she smirked at Kelley.

"Yeah, this plastic wrap won't cut open." said Kelley, who was having trouble opening it.

"Then step aside, 'cause we got this." said Sam, as she and Rose walked past Kelley.

"Grrr..." said both Sam and Rose, as they were also having some trouble poking a hole through the plastic wrap.

Other girls like Juile, Andi, Tirena, Morgan, and even Kristie started to join in, but with no success they also fail, to poke a hole through the plastic wrap.

"It's thick," said Andi, who was tired.

"Very thick." said Tirena, as she and the other girls were tired. "We could break a finger, just by trying to poke a hole with our finger"

The girls then looked at one another.

"They're good, but we can do better." said Kelley, as she started to smirk again.

"Soo..." said Tobin, as she looked at the girls, before questioning them. "What do we do now?"

"Due to this plastic wrap being too thick..." said Carli, as she continued. "We have no choice but to share the other side of the lounge room with the U-20 girls team."

Kelley then started to whine.

"Do we have too..." said Kelley, as she looks at Coach Jill.

"Yes," said Carli, as she looked at Kelley.

While the USWNT walked inside of Maire's team's lounge room, both Kelley and Nora gave each other the stink eye, while making eye contact.

Clara, who was looking at Nora giving the stink eye to Kelley, nudges her on her shoulder.

"Ow!" said Nora, as she cried while looking at Clara.

"Stop giving Kelley the stink eye." said Clara, as she tells Nora, who rubs her shoulder. "We're not enemies."

"Hm, whatever." said Nora, as she mumbles.

After an hour later, Maire, Clara, Nora, and Hadley, are walking in the hallway along with Axel and Sabrina.

"Come on, Nora," said Maire, as she looked at Nora. "Kelley and the other USWNT players are our former teammates."

"Yeah, I know." said Nora, as she tells Maire. "But, that was before Kelley crossed the line."

"Yeah, and thanks to her pranks, Coach Sloan is punishing us for everyone of her pranks." said Hadley

"In which she is going to pay, if I ever see her face to face." said Nora, in a serious tone.

"Come on, this is suppose to be a game." said Clara

"Yeah, if Coach Jennifer was here." said Nora, as she tells Clara. "She would've loved to play along with Kelley's prank war, without giving us any punishments. But, I would also stop them, if it got way too out of hand."

"I'm pretty sure that thick plastic wrap prank on the USWNT's lounge room, that you and the other girls did, had already gotten way out of hand." said Maire, as she tells Nora.

"Like I said, Kelley crossed the line." said Nora, as she reminds Maire.

"I know, but still. If you at least stop pranking them, maybe Kelley will stop pranking us." said Maire

"And what? Let them win?" said Nora, as she asked Maire.

"Well...-" said Maire, as she was cut off from the conversation by Nora.

"That's the way it has to be, Zero." said Nora, as she mumbles. "If Coach Sloan tells us to fight back, then we have no choice but to fight back."

"I know, that's what I'm afraid of." said Maire, in a low voice. 

While the 5 girls along with Axel were walking in the hallway, Kelley then walks towards them along with Sam, Tirena, Emily, and Lindsey.

"Steady, steady." said Clara, as she tells Nora in a low voice.

"Yeah, steady mut." said Nora, as she looks at Axel.

"I was talking to you." said Clara, as she tells Nora.

After Clara said that, Maire, Hadley, and Sabrina tried hard not to laugh, while Kelley, along with Sam, Tirena, Emily, and Lindsey. Stopped walking and looked at them.

"You know, we're planning on getting you back for the prank that you did to us." said Kelley, as she tells Nora.

"Good, because I can't wait for the next one." said Nora, as she faces Kelley, who stands in front of her.

Clara started to hold Nora back by her shirt, as Sam grabbed Kelley by her shoulder.

"Easy girls, we don't want to start a fight here." said Emily, as she tells both Kelley and Nora.

"Who's starting a fight here? Cause, we aren't." said Lindsey, as she takes a step forward.

"Neither, are we." said Clara, as she tells them.

"It's best for us not to say anything, in order not to start one." said Tirena, as she looks at Emily, Lindsey, and Clara.

"I agree." said Hadley

"Well, too bad." said Nora, as she joked.

Maire then sighs, as she saw her teammate and former teammate face to face, and stood in between them, making sure that both of them won't take another step forward.

"Yeah, well, we would love to pull a fight here." said Kelley, as she was trying to act tough, while she was facing Nora.

"Oh, great." said Sam, as she sighed.

Even Though Kelley was smaller than Nora, she was looking up at her, while tip-toeing. Nora then smirked.

"Come on girls, let's go." said Nora, as she met Maire, Clara, Nora, Hadley, and Sabrina, while later turning to Axel. "You too mut."

While both groups were walking their own way, Maire then looked back as both Sam and Tirena looked back as well.

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