Chapter 36

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The next day, on the practice field...

"WHERE ARE THEY!!!" yelled an angry Coach Sloan, at the girls.

"Uh, who?" said Nora, as she asked Coach Sloan.

"Don't act dumb with me, where are Hernandez and Rodriguez!" said Coach Sloan, as yelled while asking for both Maire and Clara.

"Ohhh, you mean Clara and Zero!" said Nora, as she acts all innocent.

"Yes, them." said Coach Sloan, as she growled at Nora while standing in front of her.

"Well... Uh..." said Nora, as she tried to buy some time.

"WHERE ARE THEY!!!" yelled Coach Sloan, at Nora while she was running out of patience.

"Well, obviously not here that's what." said Nora, as she joked.

"WHERE ARE THEY, GOMEZ!!!" said Coach Sloan, as she yelled at Nora's ear, while trying to grab a hold of her shirt.

"Any louder?" said Nora, as she rubbed her right ear.

"Last chance!" said Coach Sloan, as she roared at Nora.

"They're at the hospital." said Coach Jill, as she along with Carli, Christen, Becky, and Alyssa arrived on the field.

"By who's orders?!" said Coach Sloan, as she barked at Coach Jill.

"Mine." said Coach Jill

"But, you're not their coach!" said Coach Sloan, as she let go of Nora's shirt.

"Yes, but I am a senior coach of the USWNT." said Coach Jill, as she tells Coach Sloan. "Sorry, to disappoint you, but I have more rights than you do."

"Grrr." said Coach Sloan, as she grunts.

"Carli, Christen, Becky, and Alyssa, take the U-20 girls away from here. I'm going to have a serious talk with Coach Sloan." said Coach Jill, as she tells Carli, Christen, Becky, and Alyssa who all nodded. "Practice for you U-20 girls has been dismissed."

Carli, Christen, Becky, and Alyssa, then leave along with the U-20 girls.

"Grr..." said Coach Sloan, as she growls at Coach Jill. "How dare you embarrass me in front of my team like that! Who do you think you are!"

"More likely, who do you think you are!" said Coach Jill, as she snaps at Coach Sloan. "You have been abusing the girls far too much! Taking away their day-offs, women, they're human beings not robots!"

"So what, I'm their coach, and I could do whatever I want with them!" said Coach Sloan, as she raised her voice at Coach Sloan.

"That's the thing, you can't." said Coach Jill, as she snaps back at Coach Sloan. "Due to your abusive behavior, I reported you to the program. And they say that they're going to kick you off the team, until my command."

After hearing that from Coach Jill, Coach Sloan then does a sinister chuckle.

"It won't be easy to get rid of me." said Coach Sloan, as she admitted to Coach Jill.

While walking, Christen then started to walk alongside both Nora and Hadley.

"You like to get yelled at, huh?" said Christen, as she looks at Nora.

"I'm used to it now, since that's basically what Coach Sloan has been doing to us in the past weeks." said Nora, as she admits to Christen.

"Have you ever been yelled at by your former coach?" said Christen, as she asked Nora.

"Oh yeah, there was this one time like a few years ago, in which Nora put a bucket full of water and ice on top of a door of the meeting room, because she was nominating a random player. For the ice bucket challenge!" said Khole, who stood alongside them while she was listening to their conversation. "However, no player from the team entered the room, since half of us, including myself, were already in the room, except for a few others and Coach Jennifer."

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