Chapter 33

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Two days later...

In the morning inside Clara, Hadley, Nora, Sabrina, and Maire's dormitory room, the girls were sound asleep. As the alarm sounded Clara, Maire, and Nora, along with Axel had woken up. Clara, Maire, and Nora took turns in changing inside of the restroom, and into their practice uniforms. After they were all ready, Clara, Maire, and Nora, then looked at Hadley who was sleeping on her inflatable bed, and at Sabrina who was sleeping on the 1st bed close to the door.

"Hadley, Sabrina, it's time to wake up!" said Clara, as she tells both girls.

"Yeah, it's time to open up these curtains to let in some sunlight!" said Nora, as she opened up the curtains and saw nothing but a cloudy day, which made both Clara and Maire chuckle. "What the? Well, nevermind about the sunlight ladies."

"Yeah, according to the weather from outside, we're probably going to have either just puffy grey clouds and wind, or puffy grey clouds, with wind and rain." said Maire, as she chuckled as Nora was closing the curtains.

"Up and Up ladies!" said Nora, as she called out to both Hadley and Sabrina. "It's time to get up, rain or shine, whether you like it or not!"

After Nora said that, both Hadley and Sabrina started to mumble, and continued to sleep.

"Dang, tough crowd Nora." said Clara, as she giggled while telling Nora.

Which made Maire chuckle.

"So, got any other ideas?" said Maire, as she looks at Nora.

"You bet I do." said Nora, as she tells Maire.

"Yeah, of course Nora has a plan B. I mean, either way, this isn't like Nora's 15th Fiasco." said Clara, as she tells Maire.

Just then, Nora started to put loud music inside of the room. With no success at all, Nora's failed attempts then caused her to lose her patience.

"Alright, you girls ask for it." said Nora, as she grabbed her squeeze bottle and a water bottle. "Just because you girls are still new to the team, doesn't mean you get special privileges."

After Nora said that, she wets both Hadley and Sabrina with her squeeze bottle and a water bottle, making both girls squirming and waking up.

"Nora!" said Hadley, as she yells at Nora.

"What was that for?!" said Sabrina, as she also yelled at Nora as well.

"Oh good you're awake, now can we get moving." said Nora, as she looks at both Hadley and Sabrina. "Get dressed, you two!"

Maire hands both Hadley and Sabrina each a dry towel.

"Well, the good thing is I don't have to wash my face anymore to wake myself up." said Sabrina, as she chuckled.

"Who's side are you even on?" said Hadley, as she looks at Sabrina.

"Here's your shirt, soccer shorts, and socks!" said Nora, as she tosses their practice uniform on their heads. "Hurry up, and get moving you two!"

1 hour later...

Meanwhile, while the girls were practicing, Maire was trying very hard to avoid some of the girls' hard passes, and tried not to kick the ball hard as well.

As the girls were dribbling the ball to one another, all of the girls looked at both Hadley and Sabrina, noting that their hair was still wet.

"What happened to the two of you?" said Nyla, as she asked both Hadley and Sabrina, who looked at her.

"Nora wet us with water." said Hadley.

"Ha, classic Nora." said Brynn, as she laughed.

"Wait, she has also gotten you too?" said Sabrina, as she asked Brynn.

"Oh yeah, plenty." said Brynn

"Yup." said Nyla, as she nodded.

"She has gotten some of us like that." said Addison, as she admits to them.

"Yeah." said Khole, as she giggled.

"Some? Then who hasn't she gotten?" said Hadley, as she asked them.

"She hasn't gotten Alaia, Clara, Reese, Brooklyn, and Zero yet." said Brynn, as she explained.

"Because they're early birds." said Addison, as she chuckled while admitting to them.

1 hour later...

After practice is over, Maire tries to talk to Coach Sloan alone, and admit to her that she is hurt.

"Coach Sloan, there's something that I have to tell you." said Maire, as she looks at Coach Sloan, who gives her a serious look.

"What is it, Hernandez." said Coach Sloan, as she mumbled Maire's last name, as if she was annoyed by her.

"I hurt my left knee, the other day..." said Maire, as she admits to Coach Sloan. "And I don't think that I can play or practice on it. It hurts so much when I use it, especially when I force it when I'm sprinting fast enough."

"Yeah, and..." said Coach Sloan, giving no worried face expression, or any other face expression.

"I'm hurt." said Maire, as she tells Coach Sloan again.

"So, what." said Coach Sloan, as she shrugs. "So, what if you're hurt? Who cares, nobody does. However, since you're hurt, and because you hid her injury from me and the rest of the team, couldn't you just hide it a little longer!"

"Wait, I don't get it, what?!" said Maire, as she gives Coach Sloan a confused look.

"Since you girls' don't actually have a full team, you can't just decide on whether or not to play!" said Coach Sloan, as she raises her voice. "If you decide not to play for tomorrow's game, and if we ended up losing the game, instead of winning it, then the deal's off!"

"But, but, Coach Sloan-" said Maire, before she was cut off by an angry Coach Sloan.

"Listen up, Hernandez!" said Coach Sloan, as she barked before continuing. "If you could have watched your words from the other day, then we wouldn't be in this situation right now. That, and you're not going to get a day off, in our game against Brazil, because of your injury. So, don't bother on changing my mind about it! Did I make myself clear!"

"Ye-yes Coach Sloan." said Maire, as she stuttered her words.

"Good." said Coach Sloan, as she walked away from Maire, who started to walk to the sideline, where Axel was waiting for her.

Maire gets her sports bag and looks at Axel.

"Come on bud, let's go." said Maire, as she tells Axel, who follows her as she stood up from the bench and started to walk away.

While walking to the front steps of the lobby, Axel started to whimper, as he started to worry about Maire's injury condition.

"I know, bud. I know." said Maire, as she tells Axel. "Whether I like it or not, I have to play and hide my injury. Which means, I have to wear sweatpants until my bruise heals."

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