Chapter 11

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The next day, during practice the girls are doing Coach Sloan's play, and are confused with her techniques.

"Don't worry girls." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells the girls.

"Well, we're actually worrying since it's already been a couple of days already, well more like weeks, that we've been having Coach Sloan as an assistant coach." said Nora, as she tells Coach Jennifer, before starting to point at Maire. "And, I'm starting to feel like Zero, over here, who sometimes has trouble processing things."

After saying that, Nora then turns to Maire.

"No offense, Zero." said Nora, as she tells Maire.

"Non taken." said Maire

Nora later turns back to Coach Jennifer.

"Come on, Nora. Trust me on this." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Nora and looks at the rest of the girls. "Here, I'll guide you girls to the plays and the techniques."

In which the girls do.

After practice, more than meets up with Jace and his siblings Veronica and Tyson at the front of their house.

"So, how's football?" said Maire, as she asked Jace.

"Good, it was good." said Jace, as he tells Maire. "Season's over."

"Cool." said Maire, as she tells Jace.

"Yup," said Jace, as he smiled at Maire. "And I can't wait for basketball."

"Yeah, well at least you're prepared for that now." said Maire, as she tells Jace, while chuckling.

Tyson, who was hearing Jace and Maire's conversation then turns to both Jace and Maire.

"Hey Jace, remember when Five beat you in a game of 1 on 1, by shooting a three pointer, the other day." said Tyson, as he joked while laughing.

Jace then turns red with embarrassment.

"Yup, Ty did get you there Jace." said Veronica, as she also started to laugh at Jace.

"Hey Ty, remember when Roni gave you a wedgie after you got the ball stuck up the rim." said Jace, as he joked, while he, Maire, and Veronica started to laugh even harder. "Now, that right there was funny."

Tyson then started to turn red of embarrassment, after Jace stopped turning red of embarrassment. 

"Ha ha ha, very funny." said Tyson, as he laughed sarcastically.

"I like your sarcasm Ty, it's so original." said Veronica, as she smirked.

"Oh, shut up Roni." said Tyson, as he looked at Veronica, and later at Axel.

"Sick Em boy." said Tyson, as he tells Axel, who gives him a confused look.

"You know, Tyson," said Maire, as she looked at Tyson. "Axel is trained to be a good dog, right now. That, and he's still a puppy."

"And a baby," said Jace, as he looked at Axel. "Come here, boy."

After hearing Jace calling him, Axel then walks to Jace.

"Good boy." said Jace, as he smiles at Axel and starts to pet his head.

Axel started to wag his tail.

"No offense, Five." said Tyson, as he tells Maire. "But why would you name the dog Axel? Axel is more of a person's name, than a dog's name."

Maire then looks at Tyson.

"What name do you have in mind?" said Maire, as she asked Tyson.

"Ace." said Tyson, as he grinned.

"Ace?" said Jace, as he and Maire gave Tyson a confused look.

"Ace? Are you kidding me Tyson." said Veronica, as she questioned Tyson.

"Well yeah, why not that name." said Tyson, as he looked at all of them. 

"Why would Maire name her dog Ace?" said Jace, as he tells Tyson.

"Well, why not?" said Tyson, as he tells Jace. "Ace is the perfect name rather than Axel."

"Seriously? Like why?" said Veronica, as she tells Tyson, while still questioning him.

"Well, because of Ace the dog wonder. You know Batman's dog." said Tyson, as he tells them, while chuckling. "That, and because not only does Maire have her Jacey, but she'll also have her Acey." 

"Jacey?" said Maire, as she raises an eyebrow.

"Acey?" said Jace, as he raised an eyebrow.

"No wait, wha-?" said Veronica, as she tells Tyson.

"But, then again, why did you name your dog Axel?" said Tyson, as he asked Maire.

"Tyson." said Jace, as he tells Tyson.

"Well, since Max was the best name for a dog, especially for a German shepherd, I decided to name him Axel because of that. And, because that movie with that one robotic dog, named Axel."

"Oh, you mean the one with that actress named Rebecca G." said Veronica

"Yeah, that's the one." said Maire, as she smiles at Veronica.

"Yeah, but that's Axel with A-x-l." said Tyson, as he tells Maire, while spelling out some of his words. "But your Axel is A-x-e-l."

"I added the 'e'." said Maire, as she explained to Tyson.

"Yeah, but-" said Tyson, before he was cut off by Veronica.

"Yeah, but, come and help me get the ball from the rim." said Veronica, as grabs Tyson from his shirt collar, and drags him away from the group. "So that we can leave the two love birds alone."

"Uh, okay." said Tyson, as he follows Veronica towards the driveway.

Both Jace and Maire started to chuckle after seeing that Veronica was dragging away Tyson. Jace then later looks at Maire.

"I'm sorry about Tyson." said Jace, as he tells Maire. "He can be annoying sometimes."

"It's okay." said Maire, as she looks at Jace. "I don't mind."

"So, how's soccer?" said Jace, as he asked Maire, who smiled.

"Good, I guess," said Maire, as she tells Jace, who raises an eyebrow.

"You, guess?" said Jace, as he asked Maire.

"Yeah, we sort of got this new 2nd assistant coach," said Maire, as she tells Jace. "And well, she's very bossy and strict. And, she's not like Coach Jennifer, who is more fun, nice, friendly, and more active."

"Yeah, I used to have a basketball coach like that too." said Jace, as he looked at grass and later at Maire. "However, when he became close to us, he then changed his mood towards us."

"Really?" said Maire, as she asked Jace.

"Yeah." said Jace, as he tells Maire. "Maybe, your new coach just needs to know you girls better, in order to change her mood."

"Yeah, well maybe you're right." said Maire, as she agrees with Jace.

Just then Veronica then hits Tyson with a water balloon.

"Hey Veronica, you tricked me. You said to help you with the basketball." said Tyson, as he tells Veronica, while running away from her. "Not hitting me with a water balloon!"

"Sorry, I lied." said Veronica, as she tells Tyson.

Veronica then looks at both Maire and Jace.

"Hey, love birds, you're next." said Veronica, as she held a water balloon.

"Run!" said both Maire and Jace at once, after watching Veronica coming their way.

"Run, Jace! Run, Axel!" said Maire, as she tells both Axel and Jace, while running along with them.

Veronica then starts to chase after them while laughing.

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