Chapter 14

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The next day, during practice...

The girls have been practicing without Coach Sloan. While the girls are practicing, Coach Jennifer announces that they will be leaving in a couple of weeks for their upcoming games.

Khole, who notices that Coach Sloan wasn't with them, looks at Coach Jennifer confusingly.

"Uh, Coach. Where's Coach Sloan?" said Khole, as she questions Coach Jennifer.

"I don't know." said Coach Jennifer, as she admits to Khole.

"Who cares, where she is." said Nora, as she grunts. "Because, I don't."

"Nora, please." said Coach Jennifer, as she tries to reason with Nora. "Coach Sloan can be a little mean and bossy, we still have to be nice to her. I mean after all, she is our assistant coach."

"Yeah, much to our horror." said Nora, as she tells Coach Jennifer.

"Nora."said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Nora, while raising up an eyebrow.

"I make no promises." said Nora, as she looks at Coach Jennifer.

Coach Jennifer then sighs.

"Tomorrow, is going to be our day off, so don't bother coming on the field." said Coach Jennifer, as she smiled. "Since, no one will be here."

After Coach Jennifer said that, all of the girls then looked at Scarlet.

"What?" said Scarlet, as she started to notice that all of the girls were looking at her.

As Scarlet said that, all of the girls started to laugh, while remembering the day that Scarlet forgot that it was a day off, and ended up calling the girls, as she figured it out.

"Oh come on, girls." said Scarlet, as she tried to get the girls to reason with her. "It wasn't my fault."

The girls then stopped laughing and they looked at Scarlet.

"Then who was it?" said Nora, as she also stopped laughing while asking Scarlet.

"It was, um, I, well." said Scarlet, as she was stuttering her words.

"Save it for later, Scar." said Nora, as she joked while smirking.

"Nevermind." said Scarlet

"Man, I'm really surprised that Sabrina didn't do that." said Nora, as she tells Scarlet.

"I wasn't listening." said Scarlet

"Too busy daydreaming, huh." said Nora, as she smirked again.

Scarlet then walks away from Nora.

"Oh come on Scarlet, don't walk away. I'm pretty sure that one of the guys from the U-20 team would be really happy checking you out, this time." said Nora, as she joked. "In fact, he must be checking you out again. Oh, wait, false alarm, that's not him."

"Shut up, Nora!" said Scarlet, as she called out to Nora, while she was walking further away from her.

Nora then laughed again, as the rest of the girls walked their separate ways.

The next day...

The next day since it was her team's day off, Maire then goes to the pet groomers along with Axel and Jace.

"I can't believe you take Axel to the groomers." said Jace, as he joked, while he and Maire, along with Axel were walking in the shopping center.

"Well, my mother doesn't want me to wish him inside of the bathtub.'' said Maire, as she tells Jace. "And since it's still a bit cold outside, I would rather take him to the groomers."

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