Chapter 29

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The next day, before sunset...

Nora, Brynn, Brooklyn, Addison, Emery, Scarlet, and Rylee were preparing for their next prank by carrying a packet of toilet paper towards the USWNT's locker room.

"Come on, girls." said Nora, as she tells the girls.

Maire, who was with Axel in the hallway of the lobby, tries to stop Nora, Brynn, Brooklyn, Addison, Emery, Scarlet, and Rylee, from putting their plan to work.

"Come on, girls. You shouldn't be doing this!" said Maire, as she tries to change their mind.

"I'm sorry Zero, but we already got the toilet paper." said Nora, as she tells Maire.

"They deserve this." said Emery, as she and the other girls looked at Maire.

"No, they don't." said Maire

"Do you really think that you could stop us?" said Addison, as she asked Maire.

"Who's side are you on?" said Scarlet, as she questioned Maire. "Aren't you tired of getting punished because of their pranks?"

"Yes, I know, but pranking the USWNT back, isn't going to stop the prank war!" said Maire, as she tells them.

"Oh, please Zero." said Rylee, as she shook her head.

Maire later stands in between both Rylee and Emery, who were standing next to each other.

"You girls, can't be doing this. Please, try to understand that this is wrong." said Maire, as she takes a toilet paper roll away from Emery. "And it's also known as vandalism."

Just then, after hearing Carli calling her name, Maire jumps up and lets go of Axel's lesh. Maire later turns to Carli and later back at the girls, where she realizes that they had already left. Axel, who was sniffing the carpet from the hallway, walks out of the lobby and heads outside, while smelling a nearby scent.

"Oh great." said Maire, as tells herself. "Oh no, this is bad."

"Maire?" said Carli, as she asked Maire again. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, oh hi Carli." said Maire, as she hides the toilet paper roll behind her back. "I didn't hear you come in."

After seeing Maire with the toilet paper roll, an upset Carli thinks that Maire is part of her team's prank group.

"Wait, were you about to prank us? Along with your teammates?" said Carli, as she questions Maire.

"What? Me? No, no, why would you think that?" said Maire, as she tells Carli. "I wasn't going to use the toilet paper for a prank war. I was going to use it because... well... Because, me and my teammates ran out of toilet paper in our dormitory room. And well, I volunteered to get some."

After Maire said that to Carli, she started to grin.

Just then, both Tirena and Rose ran towards Maire and Carli, while admitting that their locker room was full of TP.

An upset Carli then turns to Maire.

"Well, which one is it?" said Carli, as she looked at Maire who still had the toilet paper roll in her hand. "Were you planning on using that roll of toilet paper, to TP our locker room? Or were you going to use it because you ran out of toilet paper?"

"Well obviously the second opinion," said Maire, as she looked at Carli.

"Then why did Rose and Tirena admit that our locker room was full of TP, around the whole room?" said Carli, as she raises an eyebrow, while raising her voice a little higher.

"I don't know, and it wasn't me." said Maire, as she tells Carli and looks at the other girls.

"Then who was it?" said Carli, as she asked Maire.

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