Chapter 12

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The next day, during practice in the weight room...

"No, no, no Zero." said Nora, as she told Maire who was right next to her, while grumbling. "Jace, was definity wrong about that. Grr!"

While inside of the weight room, the team were doing push ups while wearing a weighted chest vest on them.

"If I ever see Jace one day, I'm going to hit him." said Nora, as she warns Maire.

"Oh come on, Nora." said Maire, as she tells Nora. "Jace was just telling me about his point of view."

"Maybe his point of view worked out okay, but ours is sinking a ship right about now." said Nora, as she tells Maire. "As you can see, we're all hands on deck."

Maire then turns to Clara, who was right next to her as well.

"What about you Clara? What do you think?" said Maire, as she asked Clara.

"About?" said Clara, as she questioned Maire.

"About what Jace told me." said Maire, as she admits to Clara.

"He... might be wrong." said Clara, as she was doing a push up. "But, then again he might be right."

"See Nora." said Maire, as she tells Nora.

"I don't know, let's have the time to figure that one out, and decide whether it's true or not." said Nora, as she tells Maire. "Grr!"

After the girls were done doing push-ups, Coach Sloan then told them to do sit-ups, while still wearing the weighted chest vest. After their weight lifting training, the girls are all exhausted from their workout.

"Girls, take a break." said Coach Jennifer, as she smiles at her team.

"I don't think so." said Coach Sloan, in a low voice as she grunts.

Coach Jennifer's smile then fades away after hearing Coach Sloan saying that, and later turns to Coach Sloan.

"Uh, what did you just say?" said Coach Jennifer, as she told Coach Sloan.

"Nothing." said Coach Sloan, as she walked past Coach Jennifer.

The girls then slumped on the floor of the weight room. Some of them then sat beside each other, while others sat separately from the others. Brynn rested her head on Brooklyn, who rested her head on Brynn's.

"Whew, what a day." said Nora, as she tells the girls, and later looks at Maire. "And no thanks, to your boyfriend Zero."

"Oh come on, Jace is innocent." said Maire, as she tells Nora.

"Right." said Nora, as she grunts.

Just then, Coach Sloan walks over to them.

"Good training today ladies," said Coach Sloan, in a serious tone. "Now, take off your weight vest and head outside."

After hearing Coach Sloan say that, all of the girls then whined.

Moments later...

The girls manage to walk back to their practice field. 

While all of the girls were all on the sideline taking their break, Coach Jennifer then tells them about their next upcoming games.

"Simple." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells the girls, while she was done explaining their soccer schedule. "Now, then, any questions?"

As Coach Jennifer sees that the girls didn't have any questions to ask her, she then looks at Coach Sloan, after seeing no response from her either, she then looks back at the girls, who started to talk with their group circle.

The girls also started to get their sport bags and started to walk away, since they thought that practice was already over.

"Hold on just a minute girls." said Coach Sloan, as she looked at the girls. "We're going to finish the second part of our training."

"WHAT?!" yelled all of the girls at once.

"Second part?" said Gia, as she asked Coach Sloan, with a confused look. "But, we just finished the last part of our practice for the day."

"You can't be serious, We can't move a single muscle." said Addison, as she looks at Coach Sloan.

"Yeah, we're too tired." said Reese, as she groaned.

"Too tired?" said Coach Sloan, as she looks at the girls. "That was the easy part of our practice."

"Yeah, easy for you to say." said Nora, as she points at Coach Sloan. "You're not the one wearing a weighted vest, that was dragging your chest down, after every push-up."

"You girls need to stay fit, in order to be champions." said Coach Sloan, with a sinister chuckle. "So act like one."

The girls then started to whine.

"Uh Coach Sloan, no offense but we can't start another part, because we're too exhausted." said Brooklyn, as she slumps on the ground.

"You girls had the energy to get your sport bags, but you're now saying that you don't have the energy to start another part of practice!" said Coach Sloan, as she grunts. "What are the odds?"

"Yeah, because practice ended." said Sienna, as she admits to Coach Sloan, who glares at her and the other girls.

"Yeah, well practice isn't over yet." said Coach Sloan, as she tells the girls. "You all still have an extra hour left. And since you all had decided to waste all of your energy while doing push-ups and sit-ups, while wearing a weight vest, then you should have thought about it twice before doing so."

"But you literally told us to do that, along with the weight vest." said Scarlet, as she rubbed her lower back, with the backside of her right hand.

"The weight vest was an option." said Coach Sloan, as she hissed at Scarlet. "It wasn't mandatory to wear it."

"Well, what I remember, there weren't any options." said Alaia, as she and the girls looked at Coach Sloan.

Coach Jennifer then looks at Coach Sloan.

"It's true." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Coach Sloan, who grunts again.

"See." said Nora, as she pointed at Coach Jennifer. "Even Coach Jennifer knows it."

"Coach Sloan, the girls are right." said Coach Jennifer, as she looked at Coach Sloan. "They're too exhausted."

"Oh please, they're just messing around, they're not that exhausted." said Coach Sloan, as she looks at Coach Jennifer.

"Oh really, well look at Reese." said Coach Jennifer, who pointed at Reese, who was stumbling while trying to kick the ball.

After seeing that Reese tripped on her own foot, as she tried to run along with a soccer ball, Coach Jennifer then looks at the other girls who tried to do the same.

"They're all faking it." said Coach Sloan, in a serious tone.

"No they're not." said Coach Jennifer, in a serious tone as well. "I know my team, and I can tell when they're faking and when they aren't. So, whether you like it or not, I'm ending practice. They've worked hard today."

"You're going easy on them, Cortez." said Coach Sloan, as she calls Coach Jennifer, by her last name. "Really easy on them."

After hearing Coach Sloan say that, Coach Jennifer then looks back at the girls.

"I'm ending practice for today's girls." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells the girls. "You can all go home."

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