Chapter 5

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As Maire, Clara, Nora, and Hadley, along with their teammates, are still looking at the new girl.

"Well, I'll be," said Maire, as she smiled at the girl, while putting her hands on her hips. "Who is it?"

After Maire said that, Nora slapped Maire on her back with her goalkeeper gloves.

"Ow!" said Maire, as she yelled in pain.

"Don't you recognize her, Zero?" said Nora, as she asked Maire. "She's the one that fell on top of you, during our game against Mexico."

"Yes, of course I do recognize her," said Maire, as she tells Nora, while rubbing her back. "But, I'm still wondering who she is. Both of them look alike. And I'm still processing, after a year of being grounded."

"Want me to help you with that." said Nora, as she shows Maire her goalkeeper gloves that she used to slap her on her back.

"No thanks, I'm good." said Maire, as she looked at the girl who smiled back. "Monica, right."

"No, Sabrina." said the girl, as she shook her head.

"Oh right." said Maire, as she apologies to Sabrina, as she started to blush while grinning.

"It's alright." said Sabrina, as she tells Maire. "To be honest, I sort of forgot about your name too."

"Maire." said Maire, as she tells Sabrina. "But, you can also call me-"

"Five." said Clara

"Or, Zero." said Nora, as she laughed.

"Yeah, that. Either way, I will respond to either one of those." said Maire, as she chuckles.

Sabrina then started to chuckle as well.

"Yeah, well Sabrina, I see you already know Maire." said Coach Jennifer, as she smiled at Sabrina. "So, now let me introduce you to the rest of the girls."

Both Coach Jennifer and Sabrina turned to the rest of the team and smiled.

"Girls, this here is Sabrina Flores." said Coach Jennifer, as she announces Sabrina's name to the rest of the girls. "She is going to be part of our team. So, please be nice to her."

After Coach Jennifer said that, she then looked at Nora.

"Especially you, Nora." said Coach Jennifer, in a serious tone.

"I make no promises." said Nora, as she tells Coach Jennifer.

"Right, well anyways, I'll leave you girls to chat." said Coach Jennifer, as she walks away from the girls.

As the girls greet Sabrina, Sabrina then recognizes Clara, Nora, and Hadley, and greets them as well.

"Okay, now I remember you four, you used to play for the girls USA team." said Sabrina, as she looked at them including Maire.

"I'm glad you noticed," said Nora, as she joked.

"Yeah." said Sabrina, as she followed the girls to the sideline benches, in order to put her stuff down.

After putting her stuff down, Sabrina then starts to practice her shootout goals along with Maire, Clara, and Hadley and their team, with Nora blocking their shots. As Sabrina beats Hadley's goal score, the girls along with Coach Jennifer congratulate Sabrina, in which Nora wets her with a squeeze bottle, accepting her on the team as well.

"Hey? I did good without any mistakes, why did you wet me?" said Sabrina, as she asked Nora.

"Because, that's how Nora accepts people on our team, by wetting them with a squeeze bottle," said Clara, as she tells Sabrina.

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