Chapter 7

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That same day...

After hearing Coach Jennifer say that, the girls were looking at Coach Jennifer in a confused way, while they were on the sideline.

"So, let me guess." said Coach Sloan, as she turns to Coach Jennifer. "You didn't tell them about me."

"Well, I forgot to." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Coach Sloan. "There wasn't any time to announce it to them. I thought that you were about to come here until tomorrow, but I guess you came early."

"By the look of their faces, they're not very happy to see me." said Coach Sloan, as she turns to the girls.

"Oh no, most of us are just shocked that we have a new coach. While some of us are still processing, isn't that right Maire?" said Nora, as she playfully nudged Maire on her left arm, with her right arm.

After Nora said that, Clara then nudged Nora hard on her left arm.

"OW!" cried Nora, as she turned to Clara, while rubbing her left arm. "What, I was just kidding?"

"Yeah, right." said Clara, as Nora stopped rubbing her left arm.

"Well, anyways, I'm Coach Sloan." said Coach Sloan, in a serious tone. "And I'm your 2nd coach."

"Coach Jennifer, no offense to Coach Sloan but, why do we need a second coach?" said Nora, as she asked Coach Jennifer.

"Because, we're the only team that doesn't have a second coach." said Coach Jennifer, as she started to explain to Nora and the girls. "The program decided to enroll one on our team, because of that. For more and more qualified teamwork."

"Since you lost the season," said Coach Sloan, as she mumbled.

"Uh, lost? No we didn't lose, we ended up being in 3rd place for our last season." said Nora, as she explained to Coach Sloan.

"In which you girls could have done better, but couldn't." said Coach Sloan, as she mumbled again.

"Well, winning isn't everything." said Nora, as she tells Coach Sloan.

"Well, in this case, it does." said Coach Sloan, as she tells the girls and Nora, while making her point clear. "I can help you girls get to the top, unless you are willing to work hard enough to do so. Instead of playing around, during practice."

"It's not called playing around, it's actually called team bonding." said Nora, as she tells Coach Sloan.

"Yeah, and plus, we did work their hardest." said Alaia, as she continued to explain to Coach Sloan. "However, we decided to take 3rd place, since it was the least that we could do, since we weren't actually a full team."

"Well full team or not, you girls have a lot of work to do." said Coach Sloan, as she tells the girls. "With my schedule, you will work twice the training, in order to be a fully equipped team."

After Coach Sloan said that, she then took out some papers.

"Starting with, lifting weights in the GYM room." said Coach Sloan, as she tells the girls while walking to the GYM room.

After hearing Coach Sloan say that, the girls then helped Coach Jennifer put all of the outside training equipment back, before following Coach Sloan to the weight room. Once outside of the weight room, Coach Sloan then looks at the girls.

"Alright, girls get inside." said Coach Sloan, as she watches the girls enter the room, along with Coach Jennifer.

After seeing that all of the girls were inside of the room, Coach Sloan then grunts, while looking at Axel.

"What is that dog doing here?" said Coach Sloan, as she angrily points at Axel who whimpers.

"He's my dog." said Maire, as she tells Coach Sloan. "His name is Axel."

"Well whatever his name is, he's not allowed in here." said Coach Sloan, as she tells Maire. "So, take him out."

"Okay." said Maire, as she turns to Axel.

"Hang on, Maire." said Khole, as she grabs Maire from her shirt and yanks her towards her.

"Yeep!" said Maire, as Khole was still holding her by her shirt.

"But, why though? He's still a puppy, he's sort of like a baby, and he doesn't actually bite. That, and he's really friendly." said Khole, as she tells Coach Sloan. "He's also like our emotional support dog and mascot."

"Uh, Khole. No offense, but I think it's best that I take Axel outside - Mmph!" said Maire, as Khole grabs her from her lips with her right hand.

"Zip it, Maire." said Khole, as she cuts her off.

"Well, emotional support or mascot, he's still not allowed in here." said Coach Sloan, as she tells Khole.

"Why? Is it because he's a dog?" said Khole, as she asked Coach Sloan.

Maire then frees her lips, from Khole's hand grip.

"Yes." said Coach Sloan, in a serious tone.

"Uh, Maire." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Maire in a nice way. "Why don't you take Axel outside? Either way, he can wait for you at the door, and you can check on him during our breaks."

"But, but." said Khole, as she tells Coach Jennifer, before pouting.

"Khole, please. This is a weight room." said Coach Jennifer, as she tells Khole. "Axel could get hurt here, and It's best for him to stay outside."

Coach Jennifer then looks at Axel and smiles at him, and later turns back to Khole who nods.

After hearing Coach Jennifer say that, Maire then nods at Coach Jennifer, grabs Axel's lesh and walks him outside.

"I'm sorry bud." said Maire, as she looked at Axel who whimpered, while she was tying his leash. "But, don't worry, I'm going to check on you once in a while. That, and by the time you know it, practice will be over."

After Maire said that, Axel then barks happily at his owner.

"Yeah, and maybe if there's time, we can go to the park later." said Maire, as Axel wagged his tail. "Well, see you later bud."

Meanwhile, Maire then returns to the weight room, in which she is partnered up with Clara.

"So, what are we doing?" said Maire, as she asked Clara.

"Lifting weights." said Clara

"How many?" said Maire, as she asked Clara.

"More than usual." said Clara, as she tells Maire, who grunts.

"Oh, well this is going to be fun." said Maire, sarcastically.

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