Gally Reacts to Your Unhealthy Work Schedule

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"One second, Gally," You replied.

"No, no one second. No seconds. You need to stop. The sun is going down!"

"I just want to finish this."

"Finish what? The entire shed? You realize I never asked you to do this. You've been working late every day this week."

"I'm just excited to get this done."

"Excited to get a storage shed done? Seriously, y/n."

"What, am I in trouble for working harder?"

"I mean, yes. I'm your Keeper, y/n, and as your Keeper, I'm responsible for your health-"

"Oh please, you couldn't care less about my health as long as I'm getting the job done. And I am! I'm working late, I stayed up all night last night to finish that roofing project you gave me-"

"What, you stayed up all night?!"

"Yeah. What's the problem?" You pushed Gally out of the way slightly so you could get your tool kit.

"Y/n that's not good... when do you sleep?"

You shrugged, using your table measure on a board.

"I catch cat naps here and there."

"Here and there?!"

"Gally, what is the problem?" You asked, throwing down your tape measure in disgust. "I'm doing my job, that's the point, isn't it? So, unless I'm doing a bad job or something, leave me alone."

Gally stared at you for a minute before bringing out his you-messed-up-big-time pointing finger and disappointed face.

"See here, shank, I'm your Keeper. You obey my orders. And I'm ordering you to work normal hours with everyone else and take breaks and sleep. Understood?"

You rolled your eyes.

"Wait... you're not serious, are you?"

"I am. Deadly serious."

"Well... fine. I'll stop for the night then. But I normally don't fall asleep until like midnight so could I work for a little bit later after everyone goes to bed?"

Gally considered that for a minute.

"Only if you take the time off during the day. How about you sleep in later?"

"That would be great," You said, nodding. "But won't the other boys be mad that I get to sleep in?"

"I'll tell them we're starting a night shift. I'm sure a few of them wouldn't mind sleeping in a few days a week and working late. Sound good?"

"Yeah, actually."

"Good. Now go to the kitchens, I asked Frypan to save you a snack." Gally said, walking off towards the sleeping quarters.

"Gally!" You called after him and he turned.

"Thank you."

Gally shrugged, then scowled his usual angry scowl and grumbled, "Yeah, well, I won't get anything done if my workers are all passing out from exhaustion."

"Right you are, Captain." You nodded your respect to your Keeper... and Gally nodded back. 

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