Gally Reacts to You Being Sick

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You hated getting sick in the Glade. It wasn't that you didn't like Clint and Jeff, quite the opposite, you liked them a lot. But you hated being idle. Sicknesses had to be treated very seriously to prevent it from spreading like wildfire throughout the Glade, since everyone lived in such tight quarters. Because of this, you had to be practically quarantined in the medjack hut by yourself for days, with only Clint and Jeff for company.

It was awful. You hated it. You were a Runner, and you were used to moving and running hard all day, every day. Sitting in a bed wasn't something you very much enjoyed.

"How're you feeling?" Clint asked, when he brought you your breakfast.

You were up long before everyone else because of your Runner schedule, so you were wide awake and starving by the time he came in the morning.

"I'm fine, give me food please." You said, reaching for the tray.
Clint gave it to you with a chuckle.

"Well, while you eat, I have some good news for you."

"Oh, can I leave?" You asked hopefully, your mouth full of breakfast.

"No, but you'll have some company. Gally is sick now, too."


Gally walked into the hut with Jeff right behind him.

"Bed. Now." Jeff ordered and, with a roll of his eyes, Gally sat in the cot next to you.

"What're you in for?" You teased.

"At least you got breakfast," Gally retorted.

"Oh, I'm sorry did you want some?" You held out the plate. Gally leaned forward to take a piece of your toast, but you pulled the plate back.

"Too bad," You smiled innocently. He glared at you.

"Get some rest, you two. We're going to get supplies from the storehouse," Clint said as he and Jeff walked out.

"Finally, some peace and quiet," Gally sighed, leaning back on the cot.

You finished your breakfast and put the tray on the table.

"So, are you really sick?" You asked.

"Are you?" Gally replied.

"You think I'd willingly pick a day stuck in here over a day in the maze?"

"Wouldn't you?"

"No way!"

"Hm." Gally huffed satisfied for the moment.

"So, are you faking?" You asked again.

"You really think I'd take a day in here with you over a day out there in the hot sun yelling at my idiot boys?"


Gally shrugged. "Well, don't let it get out. If the other boys figured out my secret for faking an illness, they'd get off work all the time, and nothing would get done. Not that anything gets done anyway."

"So, you are faking!?" You exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down already!" Gally reprimanded, closing his eyes.

"You're insane, you know that." You laughed and lay back as well.

"Hey, I couldn't just let my favorite Glader sit in here all by themselves all day. Besides, with you out in the maze, I never get to see you. A little fake illness and boom, quality time."

"Gally!? Did you fake an illness just to get in here and flirt with me?"

"Is it working?" Gally asked.

You just laughed and lay back down.

"Keep trying," You said after a moment. "After a few days in here with you, I might start to wear down."

"Oh, I intend to." 

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