Gally Reacts to Making You Uncomfortable

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Truth or Dare in the Glade was a blast. The boys were animals and never relented or looked back. Such secrets were shared that the younger boys were forbidden from listening. Such dares were done that the maze itself was forever scarred from the sights. Everyone both loved and hated it with a passion, and that showed itself around the campfire.

"Clint, truth or dare," Minho asked.

Clint gulped, "Truth."

There was a collective groan and Clint's neighbors shoved him. Truths were much less fun to watch than the dares.

"How many times have you given someone the wrong medicine, but never told them?"

The disappointment was short-lived, as everyone turned in desperate curiosity to Clint. Clint blushed redder than the flames and mumbled, "A couple of times..."

There was outroar from the boys.

"Hey, don't blame me! They don't exactly send up instructing manuals with all the medicines!" Clint defended himself, "Besides, no one has died from it! I don't think..."

More shouts and laughter.

"Alright, alright... Gally, truth or dare?" Clint asked.

Gally usually refused to play and sat near the kitchen hut getting drunk off his special drink. But tonight, he had been persuaded to play. Perhaps it was because you had joined in the game...?

"Dare," He replied with applause following.

"I dare you to kiss y/n!"

Instant silence. Alby had forbidden anyone from touching you, at your request. The boys got very physical with each other, and you didn't always like that. You immediately looked up, shocked that Clint would dare such a thing.

"Clint, he'll get in trouble!" Newt reminded, looking around for Alby.

"That's the point! What do you say, Gally? Take the dare and spend a night in the slammer? Or chicken out, and don't do it?"

If there was one thing worth more to Gally than his freedom, it was his pride. He got up and strutted over to you.

You stumbled over the log you had been sitting on, trying to put distance between you too.

"Gally, I'm not ok with-"

"Gally, they don't want-"

"Gally, knock it off!"

The other boys defended you, putting themselves between you and Gally.

You through a desperate glance at Clint who stopped laughing when he saw the fear in your eyes.

"Enough, Gally, I take it back! I'll give you another dare, alright? That one wasn't ok."

Gally seemed to be satisfied with this and went back to his seat without another glance in your direction. Still, you sat near your keeper, Minho, and the Baggers for the rest of the game.

The night continued until a few boys got into a fight and the Baggers broke it up. Sleepy and contented, everyone stumbled back to their beds. As you were heading to yours, Gally approached you.

"Don't come near me!" You said firmly, holding one hand up.

He stopped. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I don't want you near me."

"Ok, ok," He said, not walking any closer. "I just wanted to apologize. I wasn't going to kiss you. I was just going to get close, then pretend you'd slapped me or something. I can't turn down a dare, I have a reputation to consider."

"I understand," You said after a moment of consideration, "I accept your apology."

"Thank you," Gally said and turned to walk away.

"Gally?" You said, and he stopped.


"... I might have kissed you if you'd asked."



Gally blushed, something you'd never seen him do before.


"You're welcome." 

The Maze Runner Reacts and OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now