Gally Reacts to You Having a Panic Attack

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Trigger warning! 

Gally was frustrated. He hadn't been able to spend time with y/n alone for weeks and when he finally got a day off, y/n were off running in the maze with Minho. So, unable to work or spend time with y/n, Gally moped around the Glade causing problems.

At the moment he was trying to micromanage the group of boys watering the crops.

"I'm just saying that it would be so much better if-"

"Gally?" Newt asked, walking up.

"Yes?" He snapped.

"What are you doing?"

"These idiots weren't doing it right and I was just-"

A few of the boys interrupted, saying, "We were doing it just fine, he just came and-"

"That's enough!" Newt ordered. "Back to work, guys. Gally, come with me."

Gally followed Newt reluctantly with a great deal of grumbling.

"What is wrong with you?" Newt asked.

"I just don't think they know what they're-"

"It's not your job, Gally, you're not a Trackhoe and you're not the keeper of the Trackhoes. Zart is. And Zart came to complain to me that you were harassing his boys. I thought today was your day off, why aren't you doing something... fun? I thought you and y/n had plans?"

"We did, but Minho decided he needed them in the maze today," Gally huffed.

"Ah," Newt said, understanding. Then, worried, said, "But I thought Clint and Jeff ordered y/n to take a couple days off?"

"Why would they order that?" Gally questioned.

"Y/n didn't tell you?"

Gally shook his head, growing seriously worried.

"They ran out of their anxiety medication yesterday. Since the box is coming up tomorrow, Clint and Jeff didn't think it would be a big deal as long they didn't do anything stressful. I guess Minho didn't get the memo..."

"WHAT?! Gally exploded.

Newt sighed and braced himself for impact.

"Why did no one tell me?! Why did no one tell Minho?! Y/n could be in serious trouble! Oh, when I see Minho next I'm going to-"

As if spawning from Gally's words, Minho appeared at the doors of the maze.

"Shuck, is that y/n?" Newt whispered.

Gally turned to see y/n collapse by the doors.

"Newt, go get Clint and Jeff," Gally ordered. Newt nodded, but Gally wasn't there to see. He was already running over to y/n.

When he got there, a crowd had already formed.

"Back off, back the shuck off guys, give them some air!" Gally yelled. The boys obeyed his commanding tone.

Then Gally turned his attention to y/n's trembling form.

"Y/n, y/n can you hear me? Shuck, y/n. Just breathe for me, ok? Just breathe. In and out. Can I touch you? Y/n, please, can I hold you?

Y/n nodded slightly and Gally wrapped them in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I would never have let you go into the maze if I'd known. You're going to be ok, alright? Just breathe."

"Are you mad?" Y/n choked out.

"Mad?! Of course not, baby, of course not. No, I could never be mad at you. Just hold on and breathe, ok? Clint and Jeff are coming."

And Gally held y/n close to him, wanting to cry with them, as Clint and Jeff took over. 

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