Trigger Warnings Pain/Death Be warned my lovelies this doesn't end well
"So, how are things with you and Gally going?" Minho asked as you two ran through the walls.
"Surprisingly well, thank you. When he first asked me to be his partner, I wasn't sure what I thought about dating him. And don't get me wrong, he is overprotective and possessive... but I love him, and I know he really loves me. Besides, we work well together.""That's good. I was worried when he called a keepers meeting about you running," Minho said.
"Yeah, he hates having me out in the maze," You said with a sigh.
"For good reason. I know if I was your boyfriend, I wouldn't want you out here. It's much too dangerous."
"Speaking of danger... was that wall there yesterday?" You ask as the two of you hit a dead end.
"No, it wasn't. I'm marking it down," Minho replied, making a note.
Suddenly, another wall swung open, much faster than the walls usually moved. It was going to crush Minho!
"Minho, look out!" You threw yourself at your friend, shoving him out of the way. But as you did so, your foot got caught between the doors. Your screams echoed off the maze walls as your foot was crushed beyond repair. Minho stared in shock as the wall moved back, freeing your bloody stump of a foot.
"Y/n, are you ok?!" he asked, rushing to you.
"NO I'M SHUCKING NOT!?" You screamed, writhing in pain.
"Hold on, y/n, I'm going to carry you back to the glade.
It was the most agonizing hour of your entire life as Minho carried you as carefully as possible back to the Glade. You couldn't decide which hurt more, your crushed foot or the realization that your foot would have to be amputated by Clint and Jeff once you got back to the Glade.
When an hour was over, you and Minho still had a long way to go to get to the doors.
"Minho, stop for a moment," You gasped. He did, putting you gently on the maze floor to rest for a minute.
"You're not going to make it with me, Minho. You've got to leave me," You panted.
"No, no, don't say that. It's not going to happen. You'll die!" Minho exclaimed, holding your hand tightly.
"I won't make it in the Glade anyway. Clint and Jeff will have to cut off this foot, and even if I survive that, there's no way I could survive infection and live in the Glade with one leg," You argued.
"Newt does it!"
"Newt has two legs, dim whit, and his leg was just broken not crushed. No, listen to me. You have to go, and you have to go now. Even if you left right now and ran as fast as you could, you might not make it back. There's no way you could with me in your arms."
"I can't leave you, y/n, I can't lose you!"
You reached up and put your hand on Minho's face. You gave him a pained smile.
"It's ok. You and I both know death is the only way out of this maze. I'll go first and lead the way for the others. That's what we're supposed to do as runners, right? Lead the way to freedom?"
The sun was starting to dip over the tops of the maze walls, a clear sign that Minho was running out of time.
"Go," You yelled, "GO!"
"I'll tell Gally you love him," Minho said, standing. "And I'll come back for you tomorrow."
"Good. Now, run!"
As Minho disappeared behind the wall, you began to get dizzy. Your foot was bleeding out, and you knew it. You would die even before the night, even before the Grievers got you.
You wanted to cry, to mourn for yourself, but you didn't have the strength. So, you just lay there with your back against the wall, watching the sunset until your eyes closed for the last time.
Minho kept his promise. He told Gally you loved him, and he did come back for you. The next morning, they found your body,
"I loved them," Gally mumbled, holding you to him.
"I know. They loved you too."
Gally laughed through his sobs.
"You know, this is the first time I've really held them. They weren't comfortable with anything physical and I respected that," Gally said.
"Do you regret it?" Minho asked.
Gally shook his head.
"They deserved to feel safe."
"So, you never even kissed them?"
Gally shook his head numbly again.
"We talked about it one night. They said that when you runners found a way out of the maze to freedom, I could kiss them in celebration."
Minho kneeled beside Gally.
"They found a way out, Gally. They're free."
"Yeah," Gally choked back a sob.
And he leaned in and kissed you gently on your cold lips, washing the sweat from your face with his tears.

The Maze Runner Reacts and Oneshots
FanficA collection of Maze Runner Oneshots, comforting, wholesome, and loving. Mostly Gally at the beginning because I love him, but the other characters come later. Not Aries though because I don't like him sorry. If you request one with him I can do it...