Minho Reacts to You Overworking Yourself

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You were close. You and your boyfriend Minho both knew it. You were close to solving the Maze. You hadn't told any of the other runners, so the secret wouldn't get out, so it was just you and Minho putting in the necessary extra hours.

You had basically camped out in the Map room for weeks, bouncing ideas off each other.

"If you turn left here, then right here... we didn't have a dead end there, did we?"

"No, I don't think we've gotten that far."

"Should we try it tomorrow?"

"That's further than we've run before... do you think we could make it?"

"Come on, Minho, you've got all the other runners sticking close to the doors. We've been here for six months, I'm ready to leave!"

"Alright, alright... I just want to make sure we're back in time."

"We will be!"

You took Minho's hand and he hugged you.

You ran hard the next day, you and him. You stopped for lunch and kept going, pushing yourself hard and fast. You made it past the point and mapped new terrain before having to turn back.

"See?" You gasped, collapsing on the floor of the map room, "We made it back in plenty of time. I don't know what you were so worried about."
"You're right," Minho took out his notebook to compare the new track to the unfinished map.

"Maybe we can go further tomorrow?"

"Right. We'll go further." You agreed, but inside, you groaned. You'd been running harder and faster, and staying up later and later, than you ever had in your time in the Glade. You knew that these were necessary sacrifices. Once you got out of the maze it would all be worth it.

You pulled off one shoe, wincing. Your blisters were bleeding again. Minho noticed.

"You need bandages?"

You shook your head.

"They're in the main hut... I don't feel like walking all the way over there."

"You don't feel like it... or you can't?"

"Slim it, Minho," You mumbled.

"No, y/n, really. You've been on the floor since we got back. Stand up. Help me with this."

"Fine, I can't, ok? My legs are numb." You said, trying to stand. You fell into Minho's arms, and he sat with you.

"I've been pushing you too hard," he mumbled, rubbing your legs.

"No, I've been pushing myself. I just... I want out of this bloody place, Min." You leaned against his sweaty chest, exhausted.

"I know. I do too. But you can't wear yourself out."

"I can and I will. It's worth it."

"It's not. I'm your Keeper, I'm ordering you to have a day off tomorrow. Alright? You and me, we'll take the day together. We'll go for a walk like we used to. Would you like that? Have a picnic, out by that grove of trees."

"Minho, we really can't-"

"Ah, shut up and enjoy it already," Minho mumbled, and you could hear how tired he really was.

"Alright." You sighed, secretly happy at this turn of events. 

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