✸ 𝗷𝗮𝗻 𝟭𝟬: takeda i.

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January 10 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: ittetsu takeda,
coach of karasuno !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: this takes places when
you're already an adult and have
a job etc.



You took a last glance at your reflection in the mirror, smoothing your clothes in the process. Also taking a last glance at the clock, you got ready to head outside.

When you finally had grabbed everything you possibly needed for what you planned to do, you walked outside, taking in a breath of the air surrounding you. It was pretty chilly, but that was to expect from a day in November.

The streets were empty in front of your house, though as soon as you reached the busier streets, it was a tad more crowded. Most people were still at work, that's why not many persons were walking around just yet. On the other hand, you were pretty lucky you had gotten a day off from work.

You enjoyed the atmosphere around you, seeing as there weren't that many people walking around the places. You were also glad the place you were heading to wasn't far away from your home and you consequently didn't have to walk that far.

It was a normal afternoon, one could say, however that didn't really apply to you at the moment; that's also why you were so incredibly nervous, although your exterior didn't show it. You felt like that because today wasn't just any normal day to you, but because this day had taken a great meaning in your life.

That's the reason why you were heading to that specific place right now - which is Karasuno High School. That may have come unexpected, because why would you head to a school on a special day like this one?

It's pretty simple, actually. You were heading there as your significant other, Ittetsu Takeda, was a teacher at this high school.

Today marked your two year anniversary and you wanted to suprise Ittetsu by picking him up at his work place. He didn't know anything about that, your plan therefore was going perfectly up to now.

You had looked forward to this day for the past month already, knowing that the day that marked your two years of being married to each other would arrive shortly. It was almost a dream, because you hadn't expected you would marry Ittestu at all - and now, you were already a married couple for two years.

It's pretty hard to realize.

However, you were a bit worried that Ittetsu might have forgotten about that important day. You didn't see any sort of present or note around the home of yours, which caused you to think that in the first place. It was a bit saddening at first as that day meant a whole lot to you.

Yet, you didn't blame your husband at all for that. You knew Ittetsu could be a little forgetful sometimes (well, you still didn't expect him to forget your wedding day) and that he had a quite difficult job to maintain, being the teacher he was.

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