✦ 𝗳𝗲𝗯 𝟮𝟮: yamamoto t.

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February 22 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: taketora yamamoto,
WS of nekoma !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



Yamamoto was still flabbergasted at the fact that he would be going on a date. Not only that; he would be going on a date with the (f/n) (l/n).

It wasn't only quite surprising to him when you actually agreed to go on this date with him; he was astounded, shocked, bewildered and whatever other adjective you could find to describe this.

Yamamoto was convinced he'd get a rejection yet again - he tried asking many people on a date already after all. Hence what situation evolved with you was more than just surprising.

Why would you, the most attractive and charming person in the whole wide world, go on a date with someone like Yamamoto?

It seemed awfully illogical to him, as he was convinced you could've gone on a date with literally anybody in this world. Simply because of how charming you were to him. So he couldn't quite figure out why it was exactly him.

However, Yamamoto had to accept or at least get by with that fact (not that it was complicated). The reason was because this date, which astonishingly worked out, was about to happen in a couple of minutes. To be more precise, now.

Yamamoto was extremely tensed up and jittery, to only name a few aspects. A short period of time ago, he had rung the doorbell of your wonderful home and was now, more or less anxiously, awaiting an answer.

The door gracefully swung open, revealing your figure standing in the door frame. You were already prepared to go, judging by how you were dressed in an outfit you'd always wear to such occasions.

Yamamoto gulped - you were undoubtedly attractive. He would've started to simp right there, in all honesty; yet, he knew he had to appear cool and make a good first impression. Concerning this date at least. After all, it could result into so much more.

He held the flowers in front of you, unluckily stuttering out the first thing he said to you. "Hey (l/n)! T-take this flowers as a gift!!"

You were taken aback when your favourite kind of flowers were met with your face, though it didn't mean you weren't happy about the bouquet.

You chuckled at how cliché bringing your date flowers was, but nonetheless bowed to Yamamoto slightly. He was just being sweet, after all. "Thank you, Yamamoto. I'll just get them a vase, hold up a second."

After you disappeared from Yamamoto's sight, he fanned air to himself. Gosh, he was extremely nervous, he wasn't really aware of that up to now. Yamamoto needed to calm down quickly, or this date surely won't go well.

Following your return, the two of you finally went to the café you had agreed to go to. Well, Yamamoto came up with that as a first date place and let you know about it, so technically it was all his idea.

At the beginning of your walk, both of you had trouble speaking up or rather to hold a conversation. Yes, you exchanged a few words at times of course, but the silence was quick to recur. You simply didn't know what to talk about with him and the fact you were going on a date didn't make it any easier.

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