✸ 𝗺𝗮𝗿 𝟬𝟭: yahaba s.

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March 01 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: shigeru yahaba,
setter of aoba johsai !
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -




You turned on the uncomfortable mattress you were situated on, trying to find a more convenient position, so you could fall asleep easier. But to no avail; the spot you slept on didn't seem to grant your wish of more sleep, more so you didn't know when your bed got this uncomfortable.

Sitting up, you noticed how restless your sleep must've been this night (understandable, looking at the comfortability of the mattress), as your head was aching and your limbs were sore, as it seemed.

You steadied yourself with one arm, lifting the other to massage your temples; only to notice you weren't able to do that - to be more precise, weren't able to lift your left hand up.

Some incomprehensible words left your mouth as you cursed under your breath, wondering what was hindering your arm from moving. It wasn't like you've strained, nor broken it, so why won't it move?

You didn't seem to find a logical answer, alternatively you shifted in your position, trying not to move your left arm much as you still didn't know what was up with it.

When you were seated steadily on the underlay beneath you, you rubbed your eyes with your right hand. As soon as the sleepiness left your (e/c) eyes, they fluttered open, only for you to let out a hiss upon being met with dazzling sun rays.

You covered your eyes and tried to adjust to your surroundings' lighting quickly - which you gracefully managed to do after a few moments. Now your attention entirely focused on the vicinity around you, and you were promptly realizing that this definitely wasn't your room.

Henceforth, you also discovered that you weren't positioned on your bed's mattress, but on a sofa which surely had been used for centuries already. That's why it was so uncomfortable sleeping here, you reasoned in your mind.

What made the whole thing even weirder, was that you didn't remember leaving your house yesterday - to sum it up, you had no idea how you landed here nor what exactly had happened yesterday evening. That was pretty worrisome of course, seeing as about anything could've happened.

The thought of your left arm crossed your mind and interrupted your concerned thoughts, which you for a start pushed away. Your gaze wandered to your arm, examining it carefully and into every detail; however, nothing seemed to be off in any kind.

Or, almost nothing, if it wasn't for you discovering something wrapped around your wrist. It was metallic, as far as you could see, and looked like some kind of bracelet. Yet, a bracelet wouldn't look like a chain, right?

It actually took your brain a while to register what you had seen and generally the whole situation. That was normal, your brain simply functioned slower in the mornings. However, when you realized this 'bracelet' was actually a handcuff, you were rapidly coming to your full mind.

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