✸ 𝗷𝗮𝗻 𝟬𝟭: azumane a.

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January 01 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: asahi azumane,
WS of karasuno !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



Many people considered the relationship you and Asahi had as quite different. They didn't view it in a weird or odd way though, because what you two developed was far from that. You would rather consider it as "unique" and "incomparable", which were two strong words to in general state.

The whole thing began in your first high school year. Your sensei back then had seated you and Asahi next to each other when distributing the seats to everyone in your new class.

Now, you weren't a person to quickly get comfortable with new people, so you didn't really talk to Asahi all that much. You were seated next to each other, you acknowledged and greeted each other, however didn't have a full conversation for a long time.

Until that one day where you had accidentally dropped your pen to the floor and wanted to pick it up, only to notice that Asahi had bent down as well to reach for your pen. Since you noticed Asahi's hand too late, your hands consequently collided with each other.

Be that as it may, this was the first time you had touched each other (more or less accidentally) and was also the cause of you having a real, albeit small conversation.

After you both had promptly pulled your hands away due to the physical contact, you had felt a blush rise to your cheeks. Asahi had bent down again to pick your pen up and then handed it to you, slightly embarrassed at the whole situation.

"U-um, here's your pen," Asahi had stuttered out while handing you your pen back. Your lips had formed a smile after you received your property. "Thank you. ... Azumane-san, right?"

Asahi nodded and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. And no problem, (l/n)-san."

That was seemingly the trigger for you both to come out of your shells and from that day on, you talked to each other a lot more. That conversations weren't only including the usual greeting anymore, you talked during lunchtime or when you two headed together to the same class, too.

This unpretentiously caused you two to get very close and comfortable around each other. The topics of your talks didn't only include general things anymore - no, you talked about more personal topics as well. And both of you had to admit that this was one of the best things that ever happened to the two of you. You couldn't be any happier to have found such a good friend that always listened to you no matter what.

You two getting closer and closer day by day surprisingly dragged several people's attention towards you. That might've been positive, however you weren't the type of person who enjoyed attention that much. Asahi was just the same, as he didn't like being the center of attention wherever he went as well.

Thus, you started asking yourself one question; why did your and Asahi's friendship gain so much attention? It wasn't like it was special in any way, right?

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